Refining, Increasing & Selling Value of Ventnor, NJ.

Letter To The Editor: Does Ventnor have an inferiority complex? You might think that way after seeing those large yellow signs plastered all over Ventnor, proclaiming that ‘Margate has more’.

Same ocean and beach, but Margate Real Estate thrives while Ventnor struggles. Why is that? How can we fix that issue?

Here’s how: Identify, refine, and tell the outside world about the value of Ventnor.

Step #1: Stop doing things that harm the town. Let’s focus on the easy stuff first.

Le Tour Downbeach Bike Ride. A 2-wheeled event that originated in Ventnor. Over the years, some, like us, think it was virtually hijacked by the neighboring business community of Margate. How did that happen? Maybe it’s time Ventnor took it back?

At the very least, maybe Ventnor should play a more equal, appropriate role. After all, the best part of the ride is on the VENTNOR boardwalk.

Is hijacked too strong a word? The annual biking event starts in Ventnor, but then funnels 500 yellow-shirted bicyclists into Margate for a post ride BBQ that celebrates the marvels of Margate, complete with Margate business, vendors and marketing.

We really, really, love Margate. But some of us pay taxes, work, live, and depend on Ventnor.

The Ventnor Merchants site has been dead for years. This web address is used in most marketing materials.

Ventnor has tons of un-tapped value. It’s time we started to leverage this part of Absecon Island. Thanks for your consideration.

Concerned Citizens of Ventnor, NJ

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