76 Years is Long Enough. Let’s Rebuild Margate’s Boardwalk.

76 Years is Long Enough. Let's Rebuild Margate's Boardwalk. 1 76 Years is Long Enough. Let's Rebuild Margate's Boardwalk.

The time is now to begin rebuilding Margate’s boardwalk, says Sean O. Donovan in the following letter to the editor:

As old timers remember, the Great September Hurricane of 1944 destroyed it.

We’ve been waiting 76 years to begin reconstruction. We are ready.

It’s a difficult job through sensitive areas, but if we all pull together as a team, the project will be completed expeditiously.

WATCH VIDEO. Ventnor Boardwalk Fall 2020.

Imagine. Absecon Island Boardwalk.

A boardwalk is a specialized type of public infrastructure thoroughfare. Air, land and the ocean all meet together with an amazing combination of sea spray, sand and surf.

Young and old can all enjoy easy access. Everything from strollers to wheelchairs.

The very fit to not-so-fit can exercise and relax. Multiple generations of families can stroll past a triathlete, as well as an occasional napper. Friends meet and strangers can become friends.

The crown jewel of every beach town is the boardwalk. Pedestrians and bicyclists are safely protected and away from inattentive or careless motorists.

76 Years is Long Enough. Let's Rebuild Margate's Boardwalk. 2 76 Years is Long Enough. Let's Rebuild Margate's Boardwalk.
Proposed Margate Boardwalk Rendering

The boards gently absorb shock from feet; the sounds of wheels can be mesmerizing. All towns are proud of the beautiful improvements that can last for generations.

The funding for such a Margate Boardwalk project can come from more than one source. After all, there are many beneficiaries.

Tourists from around the country visit our Jersey Shore boardwalks, and so do many from overseas.

The beach is a gift from Mother Nature for all to enjoy.

We should do everything possible to rebuild Margate’s boardwalk, not only to increase the attractiveness of our shore area, but also, so that we can share these blessings with so many more.

Sean O. Donovan


7 thoughts on “76 Years is Long Enough. Let’s Rebuild Margate’s Boardwalk.”

  1. Yes. I’d like a boardwalk so people could walk from Ventnor boardwalk to Margate, like to restaurants and stores and library.

  2. The boardwalk lawsuits in Atlantic City and Ventnor are a list a mile long, years out from even being settled. Also the main reason for their high taxes. They can’t even keep up with the maintenance. But for those who want it… start a fund to raise $50+ million, PLUS yearly maintenance cost and board replacements, police security, lighting, handicap access allocation at every street, ohh and don’t forget the annual legal fees… you can write the check. Go for a nice walk on the beach or along the parkway, it will be good for you.

    1. Old school….what lawsuits ?
      Where can one find this mile long list.
      Are you kidding me????

      Our beach is not what it once was before our dunes.

      The views for all to enjoy are gone.

      More difficult for emergency crews to reach people.

      Access to our beach for many people such as seniors and young families is horrible.

      We can solve those problems and create a great place for people to enjoy the view, exercise and more easily access our beaches.

      The boardwalk will Be built at least 80 feet away from beach front homes against the dunes.

      The loss of privacy cry is not a valid reason for not building a boardwalk .

      Someone wrote on Facebook that people will walk and drive bikes up the beach block streets to reach the boardwalk.
      Aren’t people walking up those streets now to get to the beach?????

      Even if the original tax projections are 50% higher than illustrated in the Margate Boardwalk Committee report that is before any grants or funding from state and federal agencies. The cost to all in Margate will be the cost of a nice dinner out.

      Let’s not cater to a few people when the boardwalk will benefit the vast majority.
      I will vote yes for a boardwalk!

  3. Vote for the boardwalk just know that it will cost twice as much as planned and take twice as long to complete. Plus, you all know that the corrupt 3 Amigos will steal plenty from this project and their cronies will be awarded high cost no bid contracts. Just be well informed and minimize the shock when it happens!

  4. Kathryn & Ira Berman

    A boardwalk would be a huge success!! Lovely walks with ocean views and breezes can be enjoyed by so many that have difficulty walking on the beach. Much easier access for seniors and the disabled. Safer place to ride a bike. Vote YES! This is a win win.

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