Amherst Ave Angst. Margate’s Last Remaining Water Vistas

Amherst Ave. residents not happy with what’s happening to their beloved, Margate bay views. Pain made worse on June 7, when the Margate Commissioners approved another controversial ordinance; handing over a chunk of Amherst Ave.

3-foot by 100-foot chunk of prime, Margate waterfront. ‘Vacated’ in order to assist a local developer in building a 150 seat restaurant on the former Captain Andy’s Marina site.

Notable: On Feb 22, the Margate Planning Board granted a waiver. They dropped the requirement that a traffic impact study be executed.

Amherst neighbor, Ed Berger, is happy to see the area rehabbed. Old buildings being torn down. Berger is NOT happy seeing 300 sq ft of premium city property handed over to developers.

Pedestrians and congestion could also cause safety problems too, says Berger. ‘No traffic or safety study submitted for review to the city, or the state.’

Berger’s social media post continues:

The property next door is being newly developed without ANY accommodation for a Promenade. For a ‘promenade’ that is never going to happen! The city also approved a 149 seat restaurant with NO parking.

Ed Berger: Who ever heard of this kind of exception to increase the value of a private development? What’s next? Giving away parking spots to build on…or over? Allowing our entire bay front to get commandeered by developers? When did ratables become so much more important than residents and safety? Wake up Margate.

Lynn Gottlieb says: something is definitely not kosher with Margate planning.

Potential lawsuits and actions against the developer, Harbour Bay, the City of Margate and the Margate Planning Board.

Opponents want the Margate Planning Board to reverse it’s decision.

6 thoughts on “Amherst Ave Angst. Margate’s Last Remaining Water Vistas”

    1. Really. Look at what they approved for mini golf. Obviously the board does not know how to read plans. Are you saying it’s ok to ignore the rules?
      Did you write as a local who cares….or a local who wants to protect another local?

  1. How is approving a commercial development possible without parking? When you renovate your home, you must provide parking off street for your vehicles. The patrons will be utilizing the adjacent residential community streets, which is congested enough, for parking. Without this establishment, I currently have restaurant patrons parking over my driveway space, blocking me in, when the current restaurants parking lots are overcrowded.

  2. Speeding all along Amherst Ave is dangerous and out of control. It’s great to have development but it has to respect the residents that live near by.

  3. Again&Again the city planners choose a project that simply is not suitable! There are too many reasons why a water park on Amherst would Never work! Safety!!! We need something that adds to the beauty and fitting to the size available!

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