Atlantic Cape Community College Baseball Cheating Scandal

Atlantic Cape Community College Baseball Cheating Scandal 1 Atlantic Cape Community College Baseball Cheating Scandal
ACCC Baseball Helmet Trick.

A truly embarrassing incident for ACCC, Atlantic Cape Community College, says County Commissioner, Ernest Coursey.

Two players on the ACCC baseball team were allegedly using communication devices inside their helmets. That’s a no-no.

Watch video clip from game:

Atlantic County Commissioner Ernest Coursey wants to subpoena key members of ACCC leadership. Coursey says we should invite them to a Commissioners meeting and ask them questions.

We need to hold ACCC leadership accountable. That includes ACCC President, Barbara Gaba.

Watch Coursey discuss:

Watch video.

An embarrassment to all of us. Maybe there needs to be a shake-up? From top to bottom.

County Commissioner Ernest Coursey

Ernest Coursey Facts:

  • Son plays first base on ACCC baseball team.
  • As Atlantic County Commissioner, represents Ventnor, Margate, Longport & Atlantic City.
  • Chief of Staff for Atlantic City Mayor, Marty Small.
  • Manages controversial, cash-only parking business at Bader Field.
  • Wife, (Leslie) is County Superintendent of NJ Dept of Education.
barbara gaba accc polistina
Polistina, Gaba, Coursey, Kern.

How did Atlantic Cape get caught cheating? Rowan’s first baseman heard a voice coming out of a player’s helmet in ROWAN / ACCC game on Apr. 22., 2023.

Millions in Atlantic County tax dollars go to ACCC.

ACCC Board of Trustees shirking responsibility.

According to Coursey and the County Commissioners, enrollment is way down.

Previously unknown (5?) lawsuits are pending.

Atlantic Cape Community College Baseball Cheating Scandal 2 Atlantic Cape Community College Baseball Cheating Scandal
Let me see your helmet, son.

Illegal communications devices found in helmets of ACCC baseball players during April 22, 2023 game.

The incident forced ACCC baseball coach Velardi to resign on May 4.


2 thoughts on “Atlantic Cape Community College Baseball Cheating Scandal”

  1. AC Citizen Zero

    Gaba not qualified to run ACCC. Enrollment way down. Segregation scandal. Baseball team cheats. Even Commish Coursey wants her out.

  2. 13th grade baseball.

    What a joke.
    There were even articles on national news websites.

    Ernest has connections.

    Get ‘em Ernest.

    The reality is nothing will happen…

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