Bigger Fines for Riding Motorized e-bikes on Ventnor Boardwalk

Ventnor Commissioners have adopted bigger fines for those caught riding motorized bikes on the boardwalk. It’s been prohibited since 1972.

The vote took place on May 25.

Larger crowds and rising popularity of motorized e-bikes compelled officials to crack down on violators.

For those with disabilities, special permits will be considered by Ventnor Police in order to use ‘pedal assist’ bikes.

Better signage and public awareness campaigns needed to inform those who use the Ventnor Boardwalk.

E-bikes are strictly prohibited on the Ocean City and Sea Isle City Boardwalks.

Atlantic City does NOT adequately enforce it’s e-bike and motorized bike ban on the AC Boardwalk.

Note: The Ventnor Boardwalk is a ‘pedestrian-first’ boardwalk.

Bigger Fines for Riding Motorized e-bikes on Ventnor Boardwalk 1 Bigger Fines for Riding Motorized e-bikes on Ventnor Boardwalk


9 thoughts on “Bigger Fines for Riding Motorized e-bikes on Ventnor Boardwalk”

  1. Excellent start. And while it’s great and reasonable to consider special permits where needed for those with disabilities, hopefully they won’t be handed out like candy basically to anyone or wants one without truly having a need for them. Or we’ll be right back at square one where they (e-bikes) will be all over the boardwalk again.

  2. I have seen electric bikes being misused, but I have seen dozens of crazy riding bikers just pedaling crazy fast.

    I ride everyday on the boardwalk for over 35 years. Give us a brake

    1. Except the e-bikes are 2-3 times heavier than conventional bikes, meaning that they will cause 2-3 times more damage/injury even at the same speed. Keep ignoring that reality… it’s not just the speed.

  3. Wondering how these electric bikes that can travel over 25 mph are not required to be considered an automobile?

    And not required to wear helmets.

    They are very dangerous in congested areas.

  4. E Bikes & STR issues addressed and covered GOOD JOB, Now what about dogs on the Boardwalk ? How will this be handeled ? Hope better enforcement that in the past.

  5. This is good if it will be enforced. Unfortunately, the rules posted on the Boardwalk are not enforced. Dogs are freely allowed on the Boardwalk and weekend bike hours are ignored.

    Bikes (non-e-bike) travel at very high speed attempting to not hit those who are enjoying a stroll on the boards. Unfortunately, I fear action will not be taken until someone is seriously hurt.

    The Boardwalk is not a Grand Prix. As a Ventnor tax payer I say … Enough is Enough. I hope what comes next is action.

  6. If Ventnor doesn’t enforce their own rules, and someone is badly injured, then they are open to being sued. They need to start enforcing their rules in order to prevent liability.

  7. Motorized bikes of any kind do not belong on the Boardwalk and all bikes ridden by anyone over 12 need to be off the sidewalks. It shouldn’t take an injury to put sensible rules into place.

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