Former Brigantine Police Chief Charged With Computer Crime

Tim Reed Brigantine Police Chief Galloway Atlantic County Sherriff

The Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office has charged former Brigantine Police Chief Tim Reed with criminal computer activity.

That’s according to court records obtained by BreakingAC.

Tim Reed, of Galloway Township, allegedly accessed county emails while he was no longer employed by the Sheriff’s Office. Reed was let go from that job on Jan 1, 2024.

Breaking AC: Despite no longer working for the office, Reed accessed the Atlantic County email database and forwarded grant-related emails in excess of $5,000, the charge reads.

Former Brigantine Police Chief Charged With Computer Crime 1 Former Brigantine Police Chief Charged With Computer Crime

Reed was most recently the Atlantic County chief warrant officer under former sheriff, Eric Scheffler.

Reed, 60, was charged on a summons, but not jailed. He’ll appear before an Atlantic County Superior Court judge on June 19. 

Take/copy personal or Government data over $5,000, according to the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office.

WPG Hurley: Reed may have filed two different official causes for a county vehicle is was driving. Reed appears to have made it look like he was the victim of a hit-and-run driver, in a moving vehicle. Read More: Sheriff Chief Warrant Officer Controversy Regarding Vehicle Crash

Read More: Former Atlantic County, NJ Chief Faces Criminal Computer Activity 

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1 thought on “Former Brigantine Police Chief Charged With Computer Crime”

  1. A general statement:

    Amazing how some of these police personnel that retire at high ranking positions with very good pensions seem to get law enforcement high-paying retirement jobs via their connections.

    I understand they have experience on the one hand but can’t another person who is not retired and working for the law enforcement agency do the same position?

    When is enough money enough for some of these people?

    Vehicle Accident:

    Appears that there was no accountability?

    Recent charges:

    Need more details.

    But not good as I do not think he would have been charged, especially a retired police chief and a once high ranking official with the Sheriff’s office, unless there was sufficient evidence.

    In retrospect, maybe he should have simply enjoyed retirement from the police chief position?

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