Group Forms to Support Rebuild of Margate Boardwalk

Glenn Klotz is a friend of the Margate Boardwalk. Wanna join?

The long time Margate resident and business owner (REDS & IVORY) has joined with a growing group of homeowners. Together, Klotz and friends want to explore the issue of rebuilding the Margate boardwalk, the wooden walkway destroyed during the Hurricane of 1944.

Klotz wants to form a Margate boardwalk committee.

Meet with City Commissioners. Discuss how to proceed.

Any Margate resident could join this group. Other functions: investigate major questions being asked about a Margate boardwalk:

  • What would it look like?
  • What would it cost?
  • How would we pay for it?
  • Who would build it?
  • When would it be built?
  • How do we get the City to do this?

Are you a registered voter in Margate? Would you like to help the effort in bringing the Boardwalk back to Margate?


Currently, only Margate registered voters are being asked to help. Why? The Margate Boardwalk could become a key issue in the upcoming Margate 2019 election.

Part-time residents will be asked to participate in the very near future.

Support for this island wide renaissance is growing. That’s why Glenn has started a ‘Friends of the Margate Boardwalk’ social media page.

Friends of the Margate Boardwalk

Some history:

In fall of 2013, [year after Hurricane Sandy] Margate held a non-binding referendum, asking voters if they wanted to join the dune & beach replenishment project.

The Mayor said he was neutral and would follow the wishes of the majority. Voters, 2 to 1, were against joining.

Klotz helped create the opposition group MCQBP [Margate Citizens Questioning the Beach Project]

In 2001, Glenn Klotz formed DUNE: Don’t Upset the Natural Environment.

Gov. Christie said it didn’t matter what Margate voters decided. He was going to force us into the beach project. No matter what. So much for home rule.

Glenn believes a majority of Margate’s registered voters will be in favor of a boardwalk.

Friends of Margate Boardwalk

New beginning for the region. Our future. An Absecon Island boardwalk. 4 towns tied together by a boardwalk. A new Margate boardwalk.

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