Lamberti’s Amherst: Move Ramp, Add Landscaping, Return Parking Spots.

lamberti amherst margate
Lamberti on Amherst Ave Project.

Margate officials frustrated by yet another problem regarding the Lamberti’s project on the Amherst Ave bayfront.

Margate Commissioner John Amodeo says the wheelchair ramp next to Lamberti’s must be re-designed, moved, and be ADA compliant. Amodeo not overly concerned about ramp proximity to street? He offered rough sketch of re-design.

Listen to audio clips from March 16, 2023:

Margate wants Lamberti to return 5 public parking spots on Amherst Ave.

What about required ADA compliant ramp on Longport side of Lamberti’s? That area wasn’t ‘conveyed’ to them, says Margate Solicitor, John Abbott.

The electrical box next to the bulkhead needs an easement too, suggests Margate Code Official, Roger McLarnon. As condition of approval of a 2017 agreement, Lamberti must seek an easement or license with City of Margate.

We’re owed landscaping from Lamberti’s. $30,000 worth of improvements.

Margate Commissioner Maury Blumberg
Lamberti's Amherst: Move Ramp, Add Landscaping, Return Parking Spots. 21 Lamberti's Amherst: Move Ramp, Add Landscaping, Return Parking Spots.
More City Land for Lamberti ?

Margate’s Planning Board lacks full transparency with proceedings. Still blocking live ZOOM video access to meetings with NO remote participation. Still slow to post ALL relevant documents, renderings and blue prints online prior to meetings. Commissioner Blumberg had no comment on financial implications for taxpayers.

Lamberti Amherst Margate
Low elevation rendering shared with public.

Residents remain vigilant. Especially 2nd homeowners. One day you could find an unattractive development right next to your home. ex: massive Lamberti’s or ‘not-so-miniature’ golf course.

Margate has history of misplacing key votes within a ‘consent agenda’, often done during off-season meetings.

Lack of asset disclosure or relationship disclosure by officials. What Real Estate or local business do they own or have an interest in? What do close associates or family members own? All key employees must provide full discloser in order to avoid conflict of interest.

2021. Video by Ron Brown.

The flood gate thru the bulkhead has to be addressed as well. Margate owns it, but installed on Lamberti’s property?

Margate Mayor Becker: Let’s get it done.


12 thoughts on “Lamberti’s Amherst: Move Ramp, Add Landscaping, Return Parking Spots.”

  1. With an election coming, the talking heads finally speak on this issue?
    Over three years. Give us a break.

    Voters should see through this sham. Vote them out.

    Same old boys group with new faces. Not for me.

      1. Insurance benefits for municipal employees comes through the state.

        The state reports to each municipality, experience.

        Experience: premiums paid in vs claims paid out. That report is sent to Margate for review.

        Margate claims rose from $750k to over $3million. No one from Margate knew about it?

        Gross dereliction of duty, especially by Maury Blumberg, the Revenue & Finance commissioner.

        He had no idea?

        It will pass through to tax payers as health premiums are passed on to Margate and we pay as higher taxes.

        Sounds like sleeping at the wheel or incompetent.

    1. Can’t vote because my home in Longport is a summer home, but I couldn’t agree more that the people in charge of approving anything at the shore are sneaky, and they need to be transparent to tax payers!

  2. Margate Commissioners and city managers have grossly mismanaged the Lamberti’s project.

    It’s pretty remarkable that the ADA ramp is getting this much attention from commissioners, given all of the other problems with the property that seemed to have just slipped through.

    The entire building is a monument to Margate government incompetence, with perhaps a little corruption thrown in.

    1. Don’t understand how Margate can giveaway land in exchange for some bulkhead work.

      Did Margate give away anything to any other businesses in exchange for things that are rightfully Margate’s responsibility?

      This whole “deal” is just weird if you ask me.

      That signage photographed in the article says the docks are off-limits to the public, unless you’re a boater or patron, should not be allowed.

      There is LONG standing stipulation that area is PUBLIC ACCESS. Margate City well knows this – if they don’t, they need to look it up.

  3. Phil from Ventnor

    That rendering looks nothing like how the final product is coming together. Bait and switch. No accountability!

  4. They need to knock that place down before Lamberti does any more. He’s broken so many laws. It’s only a matter of time before he goes bankrupt anyway.

  5. I’m looking forward to Lamberti’s opening. Can’t wait to sit on the bay and have something to eat drink. It will be a nice addition to our area.

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