Margate Bike Racks & Pickleball by Tennis Pickler.

Pickleball by Tennis Pickler in Margate.

In this episode, they’re playing pickleball in Margate, in the freezing cold.

Game location is he playground of former Union Avenue School, now the Margate Municipal Building.

In the video, note the Lower Merion High School basketball hoodie, honoring a former classmate, Kobe Bryant.

Tennis Pickler by Jonathan Miller.

A few summers ago, Miller heard about pickleball. Honestly, he thought it was for retired folks who couldn’t move around the court. He was mistaken, and has now fallen in love with pickleball. Social, fast paced, and open to people of all ages and athletic ability.

That brings us to tennis pickler. Love for tennis and pickleball. If you’re a tennis player, a pickleball player, or both, welcome.

These 2 sports are, in Miller’s opinion, some of the best in the world. An all-ages sport.

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Margate Bike Racks. Finally?

In other Margate news, Jay Weintraub of the Margate Homeowners Association excited to report that city officials informed him that 118 bike racks should be installed by Memorial Day weekend, 2021.

Bike racks at every beach block bulkhead? Looks that way. Margate waiting almost 5 years for these bad boys. Watch for additional bike racks throughout Margate as well.

Comment from Joanne P. > Great to have more bike racks! How about more bathrooms? In the summertime, when people have to pee and bathrooms are closed by 4p, so they go to the shower to relieve themselves. How sanitary is that?

What about off-shore windmills visible from Margate beach?

Margatians want to know more about that controversial ORSTED Wind Farm project. Will it raise or lower electricity rates? Will it destroy the view? Will it hurt marine life?

Comment from Jake J. > Offshore ultra, large-format wind turbines are obsolete. Better wind technology has become available in the last fifteen years. When I drive around Margate, I’m surprised at the low adoption rate of residential renewable energy.

Solar panels?

2 thoughts on “Margate Bike Racks & Pickleball by Tennis Pickler.”

  1. Solarmustbecheaper

    Solar panel penetration is not big in margate for the same reasons it’s not big in other higher end communities: the solar game is mostly a scam preying upon uneducated people who sign unfavorable LEASES … solar just isn’t financially viable with the way people move in higher end neighborhoods. And this homeowners understand the GAME that solar has become. Just the way it is.

  2. Elaine W. Charny

    Disagree re:solar energy. I am saving $$$$$ in the new weather climate of unbearably high summer temperatures! You obviously have not dealt with the legitimate solar suppliers. Too bad……….

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