Increase in the popular Low Speed Vehicles on the roadway.
These golf cart like vehicles are subject to the same regulations as full-size cars. They must be registered, insured, and you must possess a valid license to operate one.
- Must park in legal parking spaces.
- Not allowed on the beach at any time.
- May not carry more passengers than designed for.
- Those on the vehicles must be belted in.
- Children required to be in an approved child safety seat.
In the past, Margate had unlicensed minors driving these vehicles, along with infants not secured in an approved child safety seat.
When used properly, they’re a convenient way to get around in the summer. Irresponsible usage can result in tragedy.
For more information, please check out:
NJ.GOV NJ MVC | Low Speed Vehicles (LSV)
Increasing popularity of “E-Bikes”. Much heavier and faster than a regular bike. E-Bikes could do more damage to pedestrians, as well as the rider.
Any Class III E-Bike model is required to be registered and insured in the same manner as a moped.
Popular Low Speed Vehicles are subject to similar regulations as full-size cars. They must be registered, insured and you must possess a valid license to operate one. Those on the vehicles must be belted in and any children are required to be in an approved child safety seat. For more information, please check out:
MCPD asking parents to be mindful of where their children are and what they’re doing while they are out and about unsupervised.
In past years, large groups of teens gather with no supervision. This presents MCPD with challenges on how to keep these kids safe. Allowing your children to wander Margate streets, beaches or meet up in large groups is dangerous.
While you may believe that your children are not engaging in unsafe behavior, or alcohol or drug usage, we assure you that the children they are meeting up with are. The monitoring of large crowds puts a strain on MCPD resources.
NJ Juvenile Laws. Police officers must take a hands-off approach to children unless there exists a serious risk to their safety.
Can police force teens to empty their backpacks of beer and send them on their way? No. According to NJ law, they can’t.
People often ask about curfews. State of New Jersey curfews have been unsuccessfully contested. Oddly, Atlantic City is allowed to have a curfew.
NJ State also allows parents to determine where and how late their children stay out.
There are three paid parking zones in Margate. All feature extensive signage regarding the “ParkMobile” application that’s used to control the spaces. Officers monitor the areas and summons can be issued.
MCPD checking for dogs and other animals on the beach. There is NO time that dogs or animals are permitted on the beach during the bathing season. If observed, you’ll be asked to leave at the nearest exit. If your dog is an ADA defined service animal, it is permitted so long as the animal is leashed.
Are police allowed drive unruly teens back to their residences and possibly inform parents of their behavior?
NJ Juvenile laws promote dangerous and illegal behavior by juveniles. They should be detained and turned over to their parents. What’s with that?
The problem for all is that there are no recreational facilities for them.suggested JCC sponsor an event on ball field with music, food trucks, perhaps a small admission charge. Never happened….insurance risk.maybe the Margate commissioners could plan some events-would be a great help !or fire and police depts. could…..
Elaine, with all due respect- these beer drinking, pot smoking, yelling, cussing teen types aren’t at all interested in the innocent events that you are referencing to above…
Exactly. And the issue is parental accountability irrespective of the activities or lack thereof.
Ocean City has plenty of activities for our young kids to enjoy. They have rides, the boardwalk, food stands, arcades, yet they have a major conflict with, out of control teenagers.
The burden of responsibility falls on the parents. Either the Nanny raises the little angels or Mom and Dad are just to busy with they social life to actually be parents! Here’s an idea. Parents, start being parents and not your kids friends.
As soon as the teens are able to get a job, tell them to get a job. And….give the police the ability to be Police and not security guards.
Low speed vehicles:
A mixed bag.
I do understand why people use them as an easier way to get around.
However, I would not want to get into an accident with one which is a safety issue.
Yes. I have seen too many younger kids driving them and hanging off of them which is a safety issue.
Electric Bikes:
The electric bikes seem to work better in open spaces.
In populated areas, it seems like a safety issue due to the speed they can get up to.
Some do not wear a helmet.
You are hearing about more and more accidents with these.
Juvenile laws in New Jersey:
You can thank King Phil Murphy (Position of Governor) and his administration…as I understand it, now get this…correct me if I am wrong here…
If a police officer sees a juvenile walking down the street with a beer in one’s hand and/or smoking marijuana, the officer can not question this juvenile and/or even notify their parents/guardians (where some would want to know so they can intervene with their child).
The officer can be sued civilly.
This questioning by the officer would need to be subsequent to a traffic stop or responding to a call such as a fight in progress.
Seems like very poor public policy which juveniles are taking advantage of and parents/guardians are kept out of the loop.
Murphy wants to make “New Jersey, the California of the East Coast.”
Sadly, he has succeeded in many ways.
He really wants those ridiculous wind turbines which most know will be a disaster.
Seems like this will not happen as the public outcry has been very good and some beach towns are against this.
Hold “children” accountable to the same laws as adults with the same punishments. If they are old enough to understand the loopholes they can crawl through, they are old enough to understand the laws they are breaking and the penalties that go with breaking them.
Wish admins would go to beach at Jefferson monroe Madison and “weed” out the cigs and cigar bars who stink us out and who pay beach tags and watch them litter their butts all over. Only town without no smoking signs on beach entrances and guard stands. Wish would replace no ball playing signs w these. Ventnor and longport has. Even ac
The city needs to roll out the Mosquito device, which is a speaker that emits a very high frequency sound that teenagers can hear, but older adults cannot. It is supposedly very annoying to those that can hear it, which would be perfect to have at Club Wa, Washington Avenue beach, and any other spots where teenagers are congregating. Make it portable and move it as necessary.
Another thought is that the parents of these kids keep their little tax deductions at home during the weekend evenings. One night all of the kids in a group gather at one person’s house, where appropriate adult supervision is present, and the next night they meet at someone else’s house. This keeps the kids safe, allows them to gather and do their thing, all the while not getting in trouble with groups that are school rivals, etc. It’s a foreign concept these days, I know, but maybe if parents took responsibility every once in a blue moon the issues that we have in town would be a thing of the past. Just a thought.
The behavior by the majority of the juveniles we have the pleasure to encounter is a result of Mommy and Daddy allowing Jr to “ express yourself”,” be the authentic you” and the best, “ Not my kid, he/she would never say/do that. “ These little angels know the police have been hand-cuffed by our governor, Your Majesty King Murphy.
If these little gifts from heaven don’t respect the police, they will never respect adults. I have witnessed and been a victim of the out-of-control teenager, cursing like a seasoned longshoreman, knowing that, we as adults, have our hands in cuffs, too.
As long as you’re under eighteen, it’s No Hold Barred. Sometimes a good *ss kick’n resets the internal attitude.
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Peter, I could not have said it any better.