NJ Transit Atlantic City Rail Line Returns May 12. Limited Service and No Late Night Runs.

NJ Transit Atlantic City Rail Line Returns May 12. Limited Service and No Late Night Runs. 1 NJ Transit Atlantic City Rail Line Returns May 12. Limited Service and No Late Night Runs.

After 8 agonizing months, NJ Transit will restart the AC-Philly line on May 12. Limited runs and no more late nights. The new schedule will have only 12 trips per day.

There is a NEW early-morning train to Philadelphia when the line re-opens. But we’ll lose a few late-night trains.

The latest AC to Philly train will leave at 10:44 p.m every night. Late night trains used to leave at 12:43 am and 1:53 am. NJ Transit says late night trains are not popular…BUT…. late trains certainly come in handy during busy holiday weekends, the AC Airshow, or for beach concerts.

While boasting about the relaunch of service, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy forgot to mention the cancelled late night trains.

A 2014 study, costing $700k, said daily ridership could double to 6,000 riders if NJ Transit increased trips to one per hour.

Killing transportation options, and increasing the carbon footprint. No marketing or awareness campaigns.

Back in Sept 2018, the AC/ Philly line was closed. After 8 months, it’s not likely that ridership will return to previous levels. Some people moved, bought a car, or found other ways to get around.

NJ Transit Atlantic City Rail Line Returns May 12. Limited Service and No Late Night Runs. 2 NJ Transit Atlantic City Rail Line Returns May 12. Limited Service and No Late Night Runs.

Remember ACES? Atlantic City Express Service. It was anything but.

Debuted in February 2009. Connection between New York and Atlantic City with only one stop in between. Ticket prices varied from $29 to $75 for a one-way ticket.

By 2011, ACES cut back from year round service to spring and summer only. The ACES train called it quits by early 2012.

ACES lost $5.9 million in its first year. Three casinos that subsidized the train – Caesar’s, Harrah’s and Borgata.

The ACES train was a half-decent idea when Atlantic City had a gaming monopoly.

ACES also suffered by sharing tracks with Amtrak and NJ Transit. ACES had to always go thru Philadelphia first. Jam-ups were common. In addition, when in Philadelphia, you had to change engines…between electric and diesel.

NJ Transit’s Atlantic City Rail Line was also known as “the Gambler’s Express.” From 30th Street Station in Philly, making stops at Cherry Hill, Lindenwold, Atco, Hammonton, Egg Harbor City, and Absecon.


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