Open Letter to Mayor Holtzman about Ventnor Code Enforcement

Ventnor Commissioners

With so much construction activity lately, Downbeach code enforcement inspectors are a busy bunch.

Homeowners often have mixed feelings about these city officers with mission-critical jobs.

The following are lightly edited excerpts from ‘An Open Letter to Mayor Holtzman’, which was recently posted to a local social media site.

The author of said letter also addressed Ventnor Commissioners on Sept 22 about issues related to bulkheads and high-rise inspections.

Ventnor Mayor Beth Holtzman was not in attendance. Listen below to audio clips.

Condo Owner Addresses Ventnor Officials

Condo owner: Were permits in order? The DIY (do it yourself) group that commenced work shortly after 7 am Sunday morning told residents (who asked to see permits) they don’t need permission from anyone to work on the bulkheads. When did Ventnor’s code change?

Submitted OPRA to the Ventnor City Government, requesting formal copies of all approved repair plans as required by Ventnor’s code, as well as state law.

Condo owner: I look forward to seeing permits, approved repair plans, and state approvals for this project, as well as required pre-inspection by City officials, and post inspection as required by city code and state law. Sadly, we are watching one of many band-aid, kick-the -can-down-the-road repair practices that is hurting our high-rise condo and our beloved City of Ventnor.

We pay over $330,000 per year in taxes from this one street address.

Condo Owner
ventnor bulkhead

Condo owner: We deserve strict oversight of all repairs, maintenance, and replacement projects that impact the structural integrity of our 55+ year building AND the structural integrity of the land that abuts our 700+ feet of badly damaged bulkheads. Please use our tax dollars to require PROPER code enforcement for the safety and well-being of all who live in our community.

Ventnor High-Rise Condo Owner

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