Ventnor parents that send their kids to Atlantic City High School want answers. Is the AC school district safe for students?
During public comment, Mr. Craig Callaway shared grave concerns from local parents. He addressed Atlantic County Commissioners on DEC 21, 2021. See video above.
Callaway described the tragic situation involving child molestation within the Atlantic City school district and elsewhere throughout the county.
Callaway wants Atlantic County commissioners to read the ugly, 95 page, FBI report.
Parents demand an investigation by the NJ Attorney General. Theses are attacks on our children, swept under the rug.
Craig Callaway
Substitute teacher, Kayan Frazier, a relative of Mayor Marty Small and his principal wife Laquetta, was hired by NJ State Child Protective Services AFTER he was caught with elementary school children, multiple times.
Even after being fired, He (Kayan Frazier) still had access to vulnerable Atlantic County children via his new job with the State of NJ Child Protective Services.
Atlantic City Council Forced To Address School District Student Sex Abuse.
AC High School Principal Laquetta Small will soon become the superintendent of AC School District.
Negligence of Governor Murphy and the State of New Jersey. This monster child molester was hired after people knew that he was doing extremely inappropriate behavior with children.
Craig Callaway
Note: Ventnor Mayor Beth Holtzman supports the AC School Board and Ms Small. Ventnor is a ‘sending district’, sending 191 students to ACHS at annual cost of $4 million. Ventnor is often a ‘swing vote’, and voted against an outside investigation into student sex abuse allegations. Ventnor voted YES to a 12% raise for disgraced outgoing school boss, Barry Caldwell.
Ventnor Mayor Holtzman Supports Disgraced Atlantic City School Board.
Unfortunately for our son, his Senior Year (at ACHS) was a nightmare of metal detectors, thuggy kids and he felt he didn’t learn much that year. My husband and I found it interesting that when our kids attempted to purchase school lunch with cash or to set up an account – they were advised “no one pays for lunch here” and given a form to fill out for free lunch. If you have to live in this district – pay for private school is my only advice.
Former Atlantic City High School parent
As of March 2022 I’ll be full-time resident of Ventnor.
I read with horror the situation with AC school officials, lack of academic progress, the mayor of Ventnor and her support of these people and the status quo.
What I haven’t read is why the mayor supports this and not an alternative downbeach school district.
Mayor Holtzman, stop sending $4 million to dangerous Atlantic City High School. Give $ to parents for private schooling.
Have you read the FBI report? What is your problem?
It is obscene to send all this money to support a failing high school with such a dark cloud over its head.
Holtzman doesn’t care about the children. She got this one wrong.