Wanna steal stuff out of unlocked cars in Ventnor? Make sure to look over your shoulder often. Officer Joker could be locked onto your stink. This Ventnor K9 can’t wait to take you down, fast.
On Sunday night Dec 13, a resident of South Baton Rouge Ave contacted the Ventnor Police Department reporting a male burglarizing their vehicle.
Ventnor City Police Officers responded into the area and confirmed that a burglary to a vehicle had just occurred.
K9 officer Marc Franco Jr. and his K9 partner, Joker, responded to the area and conducted a track searching for the accused.
K9 Joker, a 5 year old Belgian Malinois, joined the Ventnor Police in August 2015 and partnered with K9 Officer Marc Franco Jr.
The track by K9 Joker led officers to the South Block of Vassar Square where officers encountered the accused, Malcom Newton, who was actively burglarizing another motor vehicle.
Newton, 34 years of age, from Pleasantville NJ, was taken into custody.
Newton was found to be in possession of additional property that was later determined to be proceeds from several other motor vehicle burglaries in Ventnor.
The investigation by Officer Alec Fendrick determined that all the vehicles that were entered by Newton were left unlocked. Newton was charged on a warrant with 8 counts of burglary, 6 counts of theft, and possession of burglar tools. He was remanded to the Atlantic County Justice Facility.
Vehicle burglaries in Margate, Ventnor and Longport are far too common. Lock your car. Hide your stuff.
Want to know more about South Jersey Police K9?
Police dogs can be an extremely polarizing topic. Technically known as K-9 officers. Beautiful, sweet animals that can also be quite intimidating.
The proper use of canines in public safety is both common and misunderstood. The benefits of K-9 officers are indisputable. But the K-9 does come with liabilities, just like tasers, batons, firearms and handcuffs.
Retired Atlantic City Police Officer, John Devlin, has first hand knowledge of those benefits and liabilities.
In this exclusive ACprimetime interview, we learn much more about the oft-misunderstood Police K-9.
Listen to interview with ACPD officer (retired) John Devlin >