When should we emerge from this COVID-19 shutdown? ‘A May 15 re-opening for South Jersey business seems to be a reasonable compromise’, says Michael Busler, a resident of Ventnor. Busler is a professor of finance at Stockton University.
Busler was featured in a recent Press of Atlantic City editorial. Busler: By May 15, more testing should be available to detect the virus, detect antibodies in people who had the virus, recovered, and are now healthy.
Busler: Newly released information suggests that [COVID-19] virus in saliva droplets can’t live for more than a few minutes when temperatures reach 75 degrees, humidity is over 80%, and there’s direct sunlight.
Any delay past May 15 would shutter many businesses for good? Jersey shore businesses need Memorial Day weekend revenue. The summer season is barely 15 weeks long.
If South Jersey dies open by May 15, seashore business would have at least a week to get their business back up and running.
Any delay past May 15 could force some South Jersey businesses to permanently close.
Business already missed out on the Easter weekend. Mother’s Day will soon be affected too.
Busler in Press of AC: Waiting until June 1 to open would be devastating. It’s possible that many small businesses would close permanently. Perhaps one or two casinos would close.
NJ Governor Phil Murphy should open Atlantic and Cape May counties on May 15.
Full Story: Reopen Jersey Shore on May 15, says Stockton finance professor Michael Busler
Michael Busler is a resident of Ventnor. He’s a professor of finance at Stockton University.
Dr. Busler holds a Bachelor Degree in Commerce and Engineering, A Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and a Ph.D. in Economics with a secondary specialization in Marketing. All three degrees are from Drexel University.
Dr. Busler has been a Financial Consultant to a number of area businesses and individuals for more than 25 years. His advice is often sought when making investment decisions and for long term financial planning. He advises businesses on developing a successful business strategy to optimize cash flows. His research on financial markets, performance modeling, public policy and consumer behavior has been published in 15 different academic journals and presented in 13 countries from the U.S. to the Middle East.
Good thing we don’t make public health decisions based on the opinions of Finance Professors at regional universities. Let’s leave the health crisis to the heath experts, Mike.
It may be bad for business. Yet let’s save lives that they may be able to spend money during the summer. I can wait 2 more weeks. No economy with out life. Change Memorial day to June AND LABOR DAY TO THE 2ND WEEK OF SEPTEMBER. The weather at the Jersey beach is better then any way. Sam in Margate.
Don’t know about your part of Margate, but mine (Dino’s area) is jam packed with out-of-towners today. Some not social distancing at all. Way too many without masks. I’d bet that second wave is coming to NJ early.
If you’re scared, stay home. If you’re scared and need to go out, wear a mask. Stay 6 feet from people at all times. And if you feel sick stay home, call your DR. and get tested. If you test positive, quarantine and contact trace yourself the previous 14 days and notify those people so they can quarantine. Don’t judge others on how they did with the current situation.
I think that postponing Memorial Day for an extra 2 weeks is the best idea I’ve heard yet. We’ve waited this long we can wait a little longer. The teacher isn’t always the smartest person in the classroom especially when they are discussing subjects outside of their own fields of supposed knowledge.
Better safe than sorry. More Patience = Less Patients
How’s that for a financial equation ?
You’re a professor of finance, not science.
How many of the people on this post own businesses or are furloughed from their jobs? Just asking. We need balance in our approach as well as respect. Time to open our country. If you are scared or compromised because of health issues stay home..