Ventnor’s Chris Brown Appointed Atlantic City Czar

chris brown ventnor

Most already knew it was coming. Ventnor’s Chris Brown (R) has stepped down from his NJ Senate position to become Gov Murphy’s so-called ‘Czar’ of Atlantic City.

The official job title is Senior Advisor for Atlantic City Affairs.

Brown will answer to both NJ Gov Phil Murphy and Lt Gov Sheila Oliver.

As a key figure in the Murphy administration, Brown will be responsible for Atlantic City public safety, social services and jobs.

Governor Murphy and I share the same belief that we can accomplish great things.

Chris Brown

Brown’s appointment comes on the heels of Murphy’s extension of the state’s takeover of Atlantic City.

‘We will work with CRDA, police, code enforcement and community groups to show families and visitors that Atlantic City is safe and clean.’

Chris will be a tremendous asset for the Administration.

NJ Gov Phil Murphy

What remains to be seen is whether Brown, a Republican, will openly support Jack Citiarelli, the Republican challenger to Democrat Phil Murphy.

If elected, Citiarelli plans to roll back Murphy’s LGBTQ+ curriculum within New Jersey public schools. Citiaterelli says teaching this type of subject matter, at such a young age, is a parent’s job, not a school district’s.

Chris Brown’s annual salary will be $150,000.

In other news, Damon Tyner has resigned as Atlantic County Prosecutor. Tyner was nominated to serve as prosecutor in 2017 by Gov. Chris Christie.


2 thoughts on “Ventnor’s Chris Brown Appointed Atlantic City Czar”

  1. Atlantic City could be making money hand over fist.
    Clean up Atlantic and Pacific avenues, make the store fronts attractive and
    help the drug addicts off the streets and into rehabs.

  2. Irene Braverman-Ruzzo

    Chris Brown is the “Best “For The Job!
    Great Choice and Great News For
    Atlantic City!!!!!

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