VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote

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Only in Atlantic City. Minutes after being sworn-in, Councilman Mohammed Huq cast a huge, deciding vote.

Atlantic Shores Wind is now approved by Council to lay high-voltage powerlines thru much of Huq’s 5th Ward Atlantic City.

VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote 1 VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote
Huq Campaign Ad.

The Atlantic Shores project will have serious impact on Atlantic City 5th Ward residents, specifically lower income families and multi-ethnic neighborhoods.

Playgrounds and other public land will experience substantial disruption for at least 2 years according to official reports. ex: Pete Palitto Field, The Boathouse, Bader Field, etc.

VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote 2 VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote

Candidate Maria Lacca Challenges Mohammed Huq for 5th Ward Seat in Atlantic City.

According to candidate Maria Lacca press release:

On Wednesday, September 25, Huq held a meeting at Dunkin for members of the public to meet their newly appointed councilman. After being questioned about his wind turbine vote, he decided to call his brother-in-law, Mohammed Z. (Babul) Islam, a resident of Egg Harbor Township.

Babul describes himself in the video as Huq’s campaign manager. His day job: AC Mercantile License Director. 

Language barriers. Lack of news coverage. Many in the 5th Ward have no idea what’s headed their way.

What does AC Councilman George Tibbitt think? Listen to WPG Radio audio clips:

VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote 3 VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote

Mohammed Huq is the newly installed 5th Ward AC Councilman. He’ll face Maria Lacca for that seat on Nov. 5.


7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Atlantic City Councilman Grilled over Wind Turbine Vote”


    Has our government played a key role in what appears to be our “dire climate crisis” and blaming it on us?! Please watch the above link.

    Cut to 1967-1972. Operation Popeye was a military cloud-seeding project carried out by the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. Popeye was a Weather Modification tool that laced silver iodide in high cloud formations to create rain to slow down the Vietnamese enemy from advancing on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. In effect, the soldiers truck and troop movements were slowed down due to the mud. The goal was to create heavy rainfall in carefully selected areas to deny the advancement of the Vietnamese enemy. So, here we can clearly see that the government manipulated the weather to achieve its desired results. This was cloud seeding then. Since 1967, our own government agencies have significantly advanced their weather modification technology through scientific experimentations. Well, this leads me to my next question:

    Is our weather being manipulated so it appears we have a “dire climate crisis”?
    Are we warming at an exponentially alarming rate? or is our government creating climate fear and panic to get their desired result and control our movement and freedoms?

    To go deep, you would have to look into The Kyoto Protocol, The Paris Agreement, The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the Hockey Stick Deception – to name a few. Please do. Well worth your time to ingest. S.Fred Singer, distinguished astrophysicist, and Not employed by our government, explores the HISTORICAL INACCURACIES in historical climate data and the failures of climate models. He goes on to report on solar variability, clouds, ocean currents and sea levels on global climate and factors that could mitigate any human impact on world climate.
    You can find some of his brilliant research in the book “Hard Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate”. He explains with clear evidence in print, how The United Nations climate scientists hid their raw temperature data and detailed emails-then undermined the peer-reviewed system to squelch debate. Government censorship at the highest level.

    So, as our dire climate crisis scenario unfolds, we ought to be aware of the fact that just maybe? our government is actually creating the problem that they are trying to solve- And, blaming the crisis on us!??! So, if we can fathom that our own government might be manipulating our weather with (in my own research) BARIUM, ALUMINUM (DUST), STRONTIUM, CADMIUM, NICKEL CARBONYL, SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE (SF6) – (which is used as an insulating medium for switch gears and is used in each substation in the deplorable wind turbine generator technology -which is useless), TRI-FLUROMETHYL BROMIDE, SODIUM IODIDE, SALT, SULFURIC ACID AND HEAVY IONS. sheesh

    When you see heavy straight lined clouds in the sky that do not disperse but spread out and all of a sudden your sunny day turns cloudy -this is called Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, aka Weather Modification, aka Geo-engineering aka Solar Radiation Modification. These are some of the terms used to describe how these toxic chemicals are dispersed into our atmosphere, clouds, rain, forests, soil, water, crops (food), and overall ecology. This may sound unbelievable, but I still believe that there is hope if we join together!…The current bills that have been and are being introduced are:

    *SB 2691 and HB 2063 prohibiting Geoengineering experiments passed in Tennessee! Governor signed into law!
    *SB 1264 introduced in Pennsylvania. Mastriano
    *HB No. 529 introduced in Ohio to prohibit Solar Radiation Modification
    *SB 1318 introduced in Missouri would prohibit “Environmental Manipulation” in the state
    *H5390 Air Quality Bill introduced in South Carolina prohibiting unlawful discharge of air contaminants
    *HB 506 and SB 217 to prohibit Weather Modification and Solar Geoengineering introduced in Kentucky
    *SF4630 and HF 4687 introduced in Minnesota prohibiting SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injections), SRM (Solar Radiation Modification) and other weather engineering activities, providing penalties and enforcement
    *Rhode Island introducing H7295 and S2540 The Clean Air Preservation Act which establishes regulations to prohibit Stratospheric Aerosol Injections, Solar Radiation Modification experimentation and other hazardous weather engineering activities
    *New Hampshire introduces HB 1700 Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency and microwave radiation
    *SB 215 introduced in South Dakota to prohibit weather engineering activities involving the release of polluting emissions including electromagnetic radio frequency and microwave radiation
    *SB 3095 The Weather Modification Act to ban cloud seeding introduced in Illinois

    What states are waking up to is the fact that our government is intentionally releasing toxic chemicals that in effect creates the very problem they claim to be solving. An example of this is the push for wind energy. These wind turbine generators are unreliable and have proven to be costly beyond measure all around the world. They need lubricants and fuels to sustain the wind turbine generator and substations. Here is what it takes to run and maintain just one offshore substation and one wind turbine. 80,000 gallons of transformer oil, 50,000 gallons of diesel fuel, 300 gallons of hydraulic oil and 5,000 pounds of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6). This is not green, clean renewable energy. It is a way to take away critically reliable energy and replace it with unreliable, dirty, polluting energy.

    In closing, there is a multitude of information out there on this subject that you will not find in the mainstream news. I hope my research moves you to want to learn more and speak up. Know who your politicians are and how they vote. We all need to be fully aware of the implications of these manipulative weather-modification strategies and take decisive action as to what is happening to our skies and to our planet now. We are all in this together.

    with love,

  2. This is very sad, how are we to take this Small administration seriously? I feel badly for the people of Atlantic City to have this joker representing them.

  3. Bad for AC residents? Folks, this will impact most of the jersey coastline. AC is just one small piece of the bigger pie.

    It will be great to get rid of residents without calling it what it is.

    They’ll use eminent domain in many of these cases. Maybe your property will be impacted next.

  4. Thanks to Lulu and the citizens for doing their due diligence to uncover the strategic plan to change the atmosphere of our planet, and push the false agenda of “climate change’, “global warming”, and the “Greenhouse effect”. These citizens have done their research and challenge the narrative that Wind Turbine Generators are the answer for our clean energy dilemma. It appears that there is much to what is stated, a sleight of hand- type of illusion, and not just fear mongering and/or lies.

    Why isn’t anyone asking these very real pertinent questions about our energy and where it comes from? Almost 50% of New Jersey’s energy comes from two nuclear power plants, and more than 50% of New Jersey’s power comes from at least 20 natural gas power plants around the state. Solar comes in third with just 2.5% of the energy produced. Where is wind in this equation? Less than .4%. Why is that, if it is such a tremendous leap forward in “green, clean renewable energy”? Why hasn’t it been shown as a leader in reliable energy? The answer is because it is an unproven technology, costly, and unreliable. The data for the unprecedented and novel WTG technology proposed for our beautiful oceans off the coast of Atlantic City has not even been tested in real world conditions. Please someone show us the data, maybe someone from Atlantic Shores? That is because there is none. Especially when the next hurricane or Nor’easter comes our way; those wind turbine sentinels will be frozen, producing no energy and wavering, rotting from the salt air and ocean acidification, with a less than 20 year life span. Not to mention the maintenance and service these WTGs and off-shore substations need almost on a monthly basis, as Lulu pointed out with the horrible list of unclean, non-renewable oil constituents and chemical derivatives to maintain the wind turbine engines.

    Please look into the list of laws and bills prohibiting geo-engineering and weather modification enacted and proposed. These states have been given a wake-up call. . The states’ legislation has brought forth these bills to question and then, put a stop to the madness of controlling our atmosphere. Altering and manipulating global atmospheric conditions will have a definite cause and effect, just think about it. Especially when former CIA director John Brennan, under the Obama Administration, claimed in 2016 that using a geo-engineered atmospheric conditioning program could on the “geopolitical side of the [Stratospheric Aerosol Injection] technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of “other” regions, could trigger sharp opposition from some nations, others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to CO2 reductions”. And Brennan admires the use of a SAI program at an annual cost of 10 Billion dollars. What? Sounds like a technological warfare program.

    Here’s a portion of John Brennan’s speech on June 29th, 2016 to The Council on Foreign Relations:

    The incredible amount of information in the comment above deserves professional and intellectual discussions and/or forums. Not one sentence quips of gas-lighting and non-constructive criticism. We need people to continue to bring forth ideas and solutions to our issues and look towards what is proven and has been found to be successful in terms of energy needs and demands. Hydro-power plants in New Jersey are more reliable and produce cleaner power than wind turbine generator power. Even Westinghouse has produced Small Modular Reactor’s and is the most advanced, proven and readily deployable SMR solution for today’s energy demands. These are ideas and solutions that you can put some teeth into. Just look to Nikola Tesla’s Hydroelectric plant from 1896 in Niagara Falls, and you can see that these are the types of solutions and creative input that we as a society need, not ideas that look OK on paper and haven’t been tested. Especially when dangerous electromagnetic frequencies emitting Alternating Current will be buried under our playgrounds and soccer fields and next to our homes and schools in the 5th Ward of Atlantic City. This is not an energy transition that is green, nor are we in favor of. Atlantic City deserves better than this, with smart solutions and cleaner action plans. It’s people deserve their wholesome beaches and fishing areas, which will contribute to a healthier city overall. Industrialization of our greatest asset, the ocean, is not the answer.

    After reading the comment above, it showed us that we have to look up and notice these aerosols being sprayed in our skies and ask, what’s that all about? Modern jet aircraft use turbofans that push AIR, not emit engine exhaust. So why are those aircraft “contrails” not dissipating? But alter the sky in a matter of minutes, and create a “filtered” sky, blocking out our Sun. The above list of chemicals aerosolized in the atmosphere from aircraft is in the air we breathe, the plants we grow, the forests we walk through, and on our front lawns that our children play on.

    This Downbeach Buzz forum shows a way to do your own research, and I even found an incredible piece of evidence that geo- engineering and weather modification is in fact happening and by our own Department of Defense, namely the U.S. Air Force since 1996, check it out:

  5. 😯 Ora:
    How will Gov. Murphy pay for his private Netjet and the maintenance costs of his globalist lair north of Rome, Italy if you continue to Educate the people about the evils of the proposed INDUSTRIALIZATION of the Atlantic Ocean off NJ?

    Would it not be better to keep the facts hidden so that we can more easily rob the US taxpayers’?

    Offshore wind farms off NJ and the entire US East Coast are a PATHETIC concept.

    By the way, I paid my home energy ⚡️ bill today and it was almost the cost of a monthly mortgage payment.

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