Will Ventnor Planning Board Protect St Leonard’s Deed Restrictions?

Will Ventnor Planning Board Protect St Leonard's Deed Restrictions? 1 Will Ventnor Planning Board Protect St Leonard's Deed Restrictions?
St. Leonard’s Tract

St. Leonard’s Association was established in 1921 to enforce deed restrictions and preserve a historic neighborhood of Ventnor.

St. Leonard’s Tract features more than 100 homes between the beach and bay from Surrey to Cambridge Ave in Ventnor.

Every so often, someone will take a shot at changing the rules a bit. Maybe get some ‘spot-zoning’ love from Ventnor Commissioner Lance Landgraf.

On Wed. January 8 at 6:30p, The Ventnor Planning Board will consider two variance applications. According to the St. Leonard’s Association: if these applications are approved, they could adversely affect the neighborhood.

NOTE: Live Zoom audio and video blocked for Ventnor Planning Board meetings, as per Lance Landgraf and Tim Kriebel.

5801 Ventnor Ave wants to sub-divide it’s property into two smaller lots.

Will Ventnor Planning Board Protect St Leonard's Deed Restrictions? 2 Will Ventnor Planning Board Protect St Leonard's Deed Restrictions?
5801 Ventnor Ave
111 S. Cambridge Ave

111 S. Cambridge Ave: 7 story condominium along the boardwalk, at foot of Ventnor Fishing Pier.

Owner requesting ‘D‘ variance to construct hot tub / pool / spa on the roof along with C variance for principle
building height.

Back in March 2023, the Ventnor Planning Board denied a similar request / application.

Ventnor Planning Board

The Ventnor Planning Board is appointed by the Mayor and features a mix of residents and city officials.

Their primary duties are:

  • Enforce and manage current zoning ordinance.
  • Ensure Ventnor Master Plan is followed and maintained.

Commissioner Lance Landgraf and Mayor Tim Kriebel are both on the Ventnor Planning Board.

The Ventnor Planning Board chairman is Jay Cooke.


Ventnor Zoning Showdown: St Leonard’s Tract

Landgraf Ventnor Zoning Showdown: St Leonard’s Tract

Landgraf Ventnor Spot Zoning Plan for St Leonard’s Tract


3 thoughts on “Will Ventnor Planning Board Protect St Leonard’s Deed Restrictions?”

  1. Setback variances commonly approved. The developers want of course max profit. Surely they would submit a code compliant plan and Ventnor would benefit in the long-term from this. Lesson learned in the news today regarding the California fires.

  2. Ventnor Advisory Board

    Odd. Ventnor doesn’t allow residents to listen live to Planning Board meetings online via ZOOM. Why do Landgraf and Kriebel block access?

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