Top comedian Dave Chappelle is coming to Hard Rock Casino in Atlantic City for two big shows on May 28 & 29, 2022.
Chappelle’s appeal has grown over the years with unapologetic jabs at sacred cows such as Jessie Smollet, men competing against women in sports, and race relations.
A big money maker for Netflix, Chapelle successfully repelled recent protests, media smears and so-called cancel culture. His shows continue to sell out.
Chappelle was not surprised by the backlash from the LGBTQ community and trans activists.
According to, some tried to pressure Netflix into removing Chappelle from their video service. In response, Netflix came to Chappelle’s defense, vowing to leave Chappelle content up, no matter how much criticism the company received.
Going to the show? Please note, the use of cellphones, smart watches, cameras or recording devices will not be permitted.
Prior to entering the show, all phones and smart watches will be secured in Yondr pouches that will be unlocked at the end of the event. You will maintain possession of your items locked inside of the bag during this time. If you need to use your phone, return to the distribution tent at the entrance. Anyone caught using a cell phone during the show will be ejected.
Wunder if he will make any jokes about the ac mayor n wife hiring n protecting a cousin and child molester. Or sweep it under the rug like the governor