Downbeach Real Estate Development out of Control

margate amherst lamberti maury blumberg
Margate City Hall & Maury Blumberg under fire.

Aggressive real estate development and highly questionable home building; two issues keeping Margate and Ventnor taxpayers up at night. Right before our eyes, a lovely seaside community being transformed into a land of gargantuan McMansions.

The following is reader feedback from somebody with skin in the game and expertise in the field of home construction.

Reader feedback from developer / local homeowner, Josh Beloff:

As a developer in Seattle I tend to hold my opinion on the design and virtues of development to the community. I suppose with age, that sensitivity filter has been difficult to maintain.

It’s hard to not see that monstrosity along that bay and question both the developer and city officials and wonder, WTF were they thinking?

Lamberti on Amherst in Margate.

For the record, I build very large modern homes and subdivisions in Seattle area. However, I live in a remodeled 1958 home in Clyde Hill and a better than average 1924 remodeled home in Ventnor. I like them old and imperfect.

Margate, Ventnor and every other beach town has lost their way with over development and promoting new construction with zero character and integrity. The neighborhoods suffer.

Not sure the answer since it’s supply and demand and codes that allow pretty much anything.

Covering these lots with developments as shown on Margate’s Bay show little thought other than to maximize ROI which I would question.

I love the (Absecon) island, but I’m reconsidering my commitment to the island.

60 years of being local, even at great distance, may come to an end.

Josh Beloff, Ventnor, NJ.

Over-development, lack of transparency, and alleged conflict of interest plague current Margate leadership and candidates.

Listen to former Margate Mayor, Vaughan Reale discuss out of control Real Estate development:

Campaign ad from ‘Margate Deserves Better’


14 thoughts on “Downbeach Real Estate Development out of Control”

    1. Oh how naive. Character doesn’t feed the tax base, pay for the significant increases in services, or keep businesses afloat year round. You do realize that if everything is sp “disgraceful” that you’re free to sell and move, right?

  1. As a part time homeowner in Margate since 1996, I am appalled at what has happened to the community. I can’t vote but I do pay taxes. I understand progress is necessary to survive. But, at what cost?

  2. Would I be wrong in saying ? ” We get the government we deserve & the decisions they make, because we elected them. “

  3. Looking forward to the first new commercial restaurant structure in 70 years in Margate … finally some progress with this marina. Which… has been woefully underdeveloped for about … 70 years …. Just sayin’….

  4. Joseph Lamberti

    Want to know the truth about Luciano Lamberti, his life, how he treats people(mainly his family and staff), and why this project has taken so long?

  5. One other comment I’d like to add. I find it interesting that so many feel there is corruption involved between developer and city officials in allowing these types of projects to be built. It could just be bad or outdated code.

    There is certainly a chance that there are some bad players out there and they tend to get caught. But often times it’s simply bad design and city codes not taking into account the push to maximize the improvement of said lot.

    As the developer or city officials involved, I wouldn’t be too proud of this one. Then again, I’m biased and feel an obligation to my community and adding an element of “the feel good”.

    On this particular project, what was the plan for storm water runoff ? How did allowing for such a large structure sitting over the bay wall meet bayfront protection standards? Considering all the flooding and erosion issues along that stretch I would hope the bar was set high but judging from this project, not high enough.

    What exactly is the intended use? I still can’t quite put my finger on its intended purpose. Fire safety….We jumping out windows in the event of fire? I don’t mean to be sarcastic or unconcerned with a property owner’s rights to improve their property. However, whatever codes, ordinances or creative engineering allowed for approval on this has exposed the weaknesses of the permitting process. I hope I’m wrong and it becomes a beautiful part of the area.

    Complaints like this can be heard all around every city whether commercial or residential in designation. Ventnor pier put up bathrooms and an office for the pier master a couple years ago. Some complained about that. Now they’re installing a kiosk for food and drink….more complaints.

    It is most often very difficult to develop anything without pushback from those feeling harmed by such improvements. I believe good design takes in all possibilities and considerations. It’s a moving goalpost looking for the right mix. Complaints will still come.

    I’ve built some pretty nice projects over the years. I’ve talked owners into rebuilding houses that on paper should have been scraped. I’ve been targeted as a developer. They mistaking my hood nature as an opportunity to take advantage. They only get one chance to make that mistake.

    So, my suggestion if it is not already in the books, is to write into law language that allows for review of a developments character and impact on the surrounding community. My HOA has such language in the bi-laws. It refers to the “equal enjoyment”. It may not do anything to stop this uncomfortable form of growth in your community but it will force the developers and city officials to be more mindful in their planning and review prior to approval.

    That’s all I got. Enjoy your summer.

  6. Excellent comments, Josh. The usual suspects endlessly allege corruption with no actual evidence of some very serious and repeated allegations. And I’m not a fan of the current regime, and think plenty of BAD or even questionable decisions have been made. But it’s a huge leap from that to actual criminality.

    Codes need to be clarified, redfined, and have penalaties for non-compliance enforced.

  7. Yes, Mr.Beloff, Excellent comments. Please note that Amherst Avenue is one way now with a bike lane. This bike lane is in front of
    the restaurant’s door. Also, the sidewalk is extremely close to it. Then there is the parking issue. Let the fun begin! JAR

  8. I know that the people that live in Ocean City love Ocean City but I personally do not want to see Ventnor (where I live) or Margate to be turned onto another Ocean City. We have master plans in our communities. Let’s stop giving variances to developers who want to build duplexes or triplexes where we are zoned for single family residents only. NORTH BEACH in Ventnor is a perfect example. Some 20+ years ago we had a master plan that called for single family residences only yet one developer knocked down a single family home and got an approval a build a duplex. Sure I hear the people say “Well there are already a ton of duplexes in NORTH BEACH now! Yes that is true but they were grandfathered in and the master plan even revisited in the last few years says “SINGLE FAMILY “dwellings only.
    Let’s stop having our planning board’s pander to the “good old boys”’ friends who want to simply change the charm of the appearance of the housing currently in these two communities.
    Richard Gober

  9. Feel free to come down and redevelop lower chelsea and build all the new houses you want. People complain but it does make the neighborhood look more modernized and changes the demographics. plus increased tax base. All great!

  10. I haven’t seen any comments on the house at 9006 Freemont avenue, 2.5 years old that had to be condemed. How is that possible? The builder is still active and working in the area. How is that allowed?

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