Trolley Looks to Reduce Summer Parking Problem in Margate

Margate Trolley
The Great American Trolley Company

The Great American Trolley Company of Cape May is looking for the green light from the Margate Board of Commissioners. They want to help reduce the parking & people mover problem in MARGATE. Their plan is to use old-fashion styled trolleys to shuttle residents and visitors to local Margate restaurants on a trial basis this summer.

If this trial proves beneficial, it could become a permanent solution to help reduce Margate’s parking problems during the summer season. The trolley should take some people out of their cars, and onto this old-fashion styled trolley/bus.

The proposed route is south on Ventnor Ave from Brunswick to Cedar Grove, left one block to Atlantic Ave, right and south for several blocks, right at Washington Avenue to Amherst Avenue where several restaurants are located, and looping around at Madison Avenue for the way back to Brunswick.

Margate Trolley Route
Possible Route for Margate Trolley

Service would run from 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Thursday through Saturday from July through Labor Day on a trial basis. Fares would be low because restaurant owners are supporting the service. The loop would run continuously. Riders could place a call for pickup too.

  • $1 one way til midnight
  • $4 after midnight (for bar patrons)

A Few Questions Remain.

Will NJ Transit object? So far, it seems they’re OK with the service since much of the route is not in conflict with their bus route down Ventnor ave. Great American Trolley already has NJ state approval, they just need a letter of support from Margate Commissioners. If Margate leaders approve, an ordinance would likely have to passed to make it official.
