Ventnor Readies Short-Term Rental Probe

Ventnor Short Term Rentals
Online, Short-Term Rental Platforms

You’ve been warned. Ventnor homeowners who rent their properties using websites like AirBnB, will be facing increased scrutiny.

Ventnor City Hall is fed up with those illegally renting out their shore homes. So much so, officials hired a digital detective to keep an eye on Ventnor rentals on AirBnB, VRBO, Homeaway, Craigslist, etc.

To slow the spread of COVID-19, most Jersey Shore towns have placed a temporary ban on short-term rentals. Enforcement to date, seems to be spotty at best.

A review of online sites, including realtor sites, suggest there could be close to 500 short-term, Ventnor rental listings being marketed on web-based rental platforms.

Tracking short-term rental activity within the City of Ventnor.

A company called Host Compliance will monitor short-term rentals on these popular, internet-based platforms. They’ll help the city identify potential violators, and maybe fine them.

Rental agreements transacted online are the target.

Host Compliance makes it easy for municipalities to implement and enforce fair and effective short-term rental rules.
With the rise of the short-term rental phenomenon, many cities are struggling to come up with a fair and effective way to maximize the benefits of home-sharing while mitigating the negative impact on neighbors and the community. Host Compliance helps municipalities understand the scale and scope of the impact of short-term rentals in their community and enact regulations that minimize noise, trash, parking and traffic problems, as well as the negative impacts on housing affordability and neighborhood character. Once such rules are adopted, Host Compliance’s software platform can help manage all of the registration, permitting, address identification, compliance monitoring, enforcement, outreach, tax collection and complaint processes so city staff can focus on higher value-added activities.

Ventnor ramping efforts to get their hands around this business.

Ventnor trying to get their head around digital upstarts like AirBnB, the ‘UBER’ of short-term vacation rentals.

Online rental marketplaces include Airbnb, VRBO, HomeAway, Craigslist, custom property websites and local real estate websites. Not all are monitored evenly.

Companies like Host Compliance can certainly help ensure that everyone’s on their best behavior. But it’s also a less-than-perfect tool. There are limitations. Let’s not cripple our fast-growing, short-term market.

Some Ventnor property values have clearly benefited from the ease of use, and lower costs of AirBnB type websites.

We’d bet more than a few Ventnor homeowners are sweating bullets. Scraping together enough to pay taxes, mortgage and insurance.

Host Compliance says: “Vacation rental websites have turned vacation rentals into a booming underground economy at the expense of long-term tenants, neighborhood character and the quality of life of neighbors.”

Others would suggest AirBnB has breathed new life into languishing properties. Raised home values. More tax revenue.

Ventnor requires homeowners to purchase a $100 mercantile license if they want to rent their shore property for 30 days or less.

Once licensed, the Ventnor Code Enforcement Officer has the authority to access your property to investigate any non-compliance.

Commissioner Lance Landgraf, Tim Kriebel say it will help Ventnor enforce local ordinance.

The Ventnor Code Enforcement Officer can access applicable property to determine compliance. Violators could be subject to hefty fines.

Smart realtors ensure their homeowner clients are properly licensed.

Short-term rentals are both a blessing and a curse for shore communities like Ventnor, Margate and Ventnor.

Ventnor Commissioner Landgraf: ‘Host Compliance’ will find violators and will issue fines.


  • John Jurgaitis

    Online Publisher. WordPress Developer, Real Estate Marketing. Digital Design. Print and Broadcast Consultant. Pickleballer. Mel Toxic.

2 thoughts on “Ventnor Readies Short-Term Rental Probe”

  1. Before they start checking residences and issuing fines, I’d like to know exactly what is the definition of ” non-compliance”? No permit?

    1. Murphy and Ventnor have no authority to order anyone to stay home or wear a mask. They are in violation of our constitutional rights. The first, fifth and 14th amendments give us rights. No governor can override the constitution with an executive order. The only way they can make us stay home is to pass legislation. Which they have not done. What they are doing is tyranny. This is why we fought a war with Britan. If you listen to the morons like JFC we’d all hide in our houses forever and obey tyrants like Murphy. Give me liberty or give me death. Time to open up everything and stop listening to morons. People are not stupid. We know how to keep our distance.

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