How to Protect Downbeach Vacation Properties in the Off-Season

While some of us live at the Jersey Shore year-round, many houses in Ventnor, Margate and Longport are actually second homes or vacation properties. Most stay vacant for weeks or even months, especially during the winter.

To avoid potentially costly repairs, use this safety checklist before you leave your home for any extended period of time.

Lock it Up!

The first item on my home safety checklist sounds like an obvious one. Lock everything up. This includes exterior doors, windows, the garage door, the man door (leading from the garage to outside), the interior garage door (leading from the garage to inside the house), and sliding glass or french doors.

You may want to install extra door and window locks to make these even more secure. Also, do not forget to lock any exterior buildings (storage sheds, workshops, etc.).

Install a Smart Security System

Never underestimate the power of a good security system. They can easily be installed with minimal effort.

Monitored security systems offer extra protection in that the service notifies the police when they receive a break-in alert.

Sometimes the simple act of installing a camera system on the exterior of your Jersey Shore home can be enough to deter would-be thieves.

Home Safety Checklist for Vacation Properties in Ventnor, Margate and Longport

Friendly Neighborhood Check-In

Another added level of security (and the third item on my home safety checklist) is to recruit a nearby family member, friend, or neighbor to periodically check on your Jersey Shore home while you are away. They can pick up your mail and packages daily. This helps eliminate signs of vacancy, which burglars look for in potential targets. Also, they can check for signs of a break-in.

Worse case (your home is burgled), they can contact the police right away for you.

Shut the Water Off

We experience some pretty chilly winter weather here at the Jersey Shore. Pipes freeze when left unused for long periods of time if they still contain water inside of them. If that happens, you run the risk of coming home to some serious water damage. Your best chance of avoiding this is to turn the water off at the main shutoff outside. Then, open up the faucets in the kitchen and bathrooms as well as the spigots outside to allow any excess water inside of the pipes to drain out.

Additionally, turn the water heater to VAC mode or set it on its lowest setting. There is no sense in heating up water that no one will be using for a while.


Another item on my home safety checklist is setting the thermostat. In the cold wintertime, you might want to set it for 50-55F. This keeps the house warm enough to stop interior pipes from freezing and bursting. In the summer, set it higher than normal (above 85F).

With a smart thermostat, you can regulate it through your smartphone or tablet. This allows you to heat/cool it to a more comfortable level before you return.

Margate Ventnor Real Estate

Clear Out and Clean Up

Next, clear out the cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer of any perishable food. Either take it with you or donate it to the local food pantry. Then, thoroughly clean your home. Make sure to wipe down all of the surfaces in your home, empty the trash bins, vacuum, mop, and wash all linens. First, this keeps bugs and critters at bay while you are gone.

Secondly, it feels much nicer to walk into a clean home than a dirty one when you return.


Finally, unplug all appliances. This includes your toaster, coffee maker, computer, washer, dryer, etc.

Likewise, unplug from social media. Announcing that you plan on being away for an extended period of time makes your Jersey Shore home a bigger target for thieves. If you leave for vacation, save your pics to upload until after you return.

Sherri Lilienfeld, Apex Prime Realty, Your Source for Jersey Shore Real Estate


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