Did Margate Business Admin Mosca Forget Work Permit?

Obtaining a state mandated building permit for improvements on a municipal property is a basic function of managing local government operations.

Allegation: Margate City’s construction official, Jim Galantino, had to issue a “stop work” notice to Margate City. Why? Shut a city job down until necessary permits could be obtained.

Was Business Administrator Mosca authorizing renovations to the municipal building without the necessary and state required Uniform Construction Code (UCC) work permits?

If Margate Business Admin Ken Mosca is not capable of performing the most fundamental of responsibilities, how is he handling some of the more challenging or complex issues impacting Margate?

Employee (Construction official) Jim Galantino was placed in a difficult position as a subordinate of his boss, Ken Mosca, the business admin of Margate.

Galantino potentially exposing himself to future retaliation from Mosca?

In the real world, if you started improvement work on your property with no permits, there would be consequences; and rightly so.

Quite the embarrassment to have to have a municipal building job “red tagged” for not having proper permits.

Will there be consequences for Margate Business Admin Ken Mosca? If the allegations are true, should Mosca be held to the same standards as any taxpayer or private contractor in Margate?

New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code

Did Mosca think he could overrule the Construction official Galantino? When it comes to actual UCC enforcement, Mosca has no authority.

In other municipal malfeasance news…

The Margate CFO, along with Mayor Collins, Horn and Blumberg, OK with this?

Expensive seating for the Municipal Building. ( see invoice below )

Almost $6,000 for seating near the main entrance of the municipal building. Another example of reckless spending on the part of Margate officials?

ALSO: Was equipment purchased for someone’s own private gym in the municipal building?

$6,000 seating for Margate municipal building?

If true, shows Margate City Hall has no regard for the value of taxpayer dollars.

Gucci taste being paid for by Margate taxpayers.

Editor’s Note: Margate Business Admin Ken Mosca being compared to Brigantine’s City manager, Tiger Platt. Both seem to be unqualified in their positions.


7 thoughts on “Did Margate Business Admin Mosca Forget Work Permit?”

  1. If any other person was that careless they would be asked to resign .

    This was the same man who threatened Amodeo’s daughter-in-law with her job for supporting the opposing slate last May.

    Time to go!

  2. Guess the city fathers didn’t check Mosca’s performance in his previous Bus Admins positions in Linwood and Ocean County!

  3. Why are most of these comments posted without real names? If you feel the need to comment, stand behind it by posting a name. Regardless of the article content or the related comments, too many folks become keyboard heroes by hiding behind anonymous names, and it is a shame. If you have a comment that you are afraid to post with your real name, then maybe it is a comment that should not be made.

    1. It is because the very vast majority of comments are allegations of criminal wronging doing being made by cowards with ZERO evidence, other than innuendo or opinion. And the fact that the candidates they endorsed in recent elections LOST (badly) to those who were fairly elected.

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