Margate Solicitor vs Developer Baglivo, Update June 13, 2024

Margate Solicitor vs Developer Baglivo, Update June 13, 2024 1 Margate Solicitor vs Developer Baglivo, Update June 13, 2024

Margate Solicitor John Scott Abbott is working hard to solve the Margate Gardens Apt complex issue. The multi-family property at 9710 Ventnor Ave is suspected of zoning violations. Residential parking is also under scrutiny.

JUNE 13, 2024 UPDATE:

On May 8, through an OPRA request, neighbor Patrick Geddes discovered that each of the ‘six’ approved units had two hot-water heaters. A new, proper permit was required for the units to pass inspection per Margate’s plumbing inspector. 

Upon review of the permits, ‘rough plumbing’ inspections failed. The plans didn’t show # of hot-water heaters correctly. Geddes: I called the plumbing inspector. He confirmed that the inspection failed because each of the ‘6’ units, had 2 hot water heaters. The Margate plumbing inspector eventually passed the building after proper permits were entered for the 6 additional hot water heaters.

Margate City officials contacted Geddes: ‘there is most likely zoning violations. We just need a few weeks to make sure the city isn’t at risk for a lawsuit’.

During a June 4 phone call, a city official shared that Commissioner Maury Blumberg, Code Official Jim Galantino, and Solicitor John Scott Abbott are tasked with getting the units inspected, but, will most likely require a judges order. (more than just a local Margate judge) 

A request was made to developer Baglivo to inspect his Margate Garden apt units. Baglivo apparently said ‘no, they are occupied’.

Margate Gardens Apts. Another questionable project added to the proposed taxpayer purchase of a gas station, and the Tequila Sunrise roof-top party deck plan. Another reason why live ZOOM video should be made available for Margate Planning Board meetings.

On May 30, a local mail carrier confirmed the number of resident mailboxes at the Margate Gardens Apt complex: 12 units. 

Neighbor Geddes spoke with the local mail carrier about this property and mail delivery. He delivers mail to the small office on Ventnor Ave where there are mailboxes labeled 201A, 201B, 202A, 202B, 203A, 203B, 301A, 301B, 302A, 302B, 303A, 303B.

Is Margate missing out on water / sewer tax revenue? QUESTION: Margate homeowners pay $680 per year for water / sewer. Is developer Baglivo only paying 6 units x $680 currently? Maybe it should be 12 units x $680?

Some history:

Initially, developer Steve Baglivo wanted to build a 12 unit, residential building. The Margate Planning Board said no, claiming there are too many housing units for a lot of this size.

The Margate Planning Board did approved 6 residential units, each with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Each unit would have 2, off-street parking spaces. 

Suspicion of zoning violations surfaced when Geddes and his wife were thinking about selling their current condo. They considered renting via long-term lease at Baglivo’s Margate Gardens apt complex at 9710 Ventnor Ave.

While touring the apt complex, Steve Baglivo mentioned he would modify units to whatever a customer wanted.

What we thought was a 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit, was really a 1 bedroom unit.

Patrick Geddes

Mr Baglivo claimed he would install a divider wall in order to make the apt into two, smaller units. Geddes questioned Mr. Baglivo about the number of units. Baglivo said ‘we may have more, we may have less’. 

The Margate Planning Board approved Baglivo for 6 units, not 12. Geddes ultimately lost interest in renting from Baglivo due to the multiple unknowns.

Margate City officials met with Mr. Baglivo and his attorney. To date, Margate City is not willing to ask a municipal judge to order a re-inspection.

Geddes requested all permits/inspections through OPRA. Open Public Records Act.

It was discovered:

The Margate Gardens Apt Complex was operating on temporary CO’s, certificates of occupancy. There were a few weeks where the temporary CO’s actually expired.

Everyone who owns property in Margate gets a $680 water/sewer bill each year. Mr. Baglivo is paying $680 X 6 units. Is Margate missing out on this revenue?

Geddes notified Margate City Hall about this OPRA discovery.

Are Margate officials beginning to suspect that are additional units? Twelve rather than six?

Geddes was told the following:

Margate is fearful of getting the apt units re-inspected. Could put city taxpayers at risk of a lawsuit.

Geddes was asked to give them a few weeks. That was back on May 8.

Margate City Hall still working on this. 

Geddes: I was told that the city asked Mr. Baglivo to allow re-inspection of the units. The request was denied ‘because they are occupied’ said Baglivo. 

In closing, we don’t want renters to be thrown out of their units if more than 6 units. We want them to have proper parking privileges as well.

We want the units eventually converted back to what was approved by the Margate Planning Board, 6 units with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths in each apt.

Patrick Geddes, Margate Resident


17 thoughts on “Margate Solicitor vs Developer Baglivo, Update June 13, 2024”

  1. If you don’t correct the misdeed, you’re inviting more misdeeds. The same slimy people continue to misbehave. Nothing will happen, they are laughing.

    1. i mirror your concern. I still have not heard how a FIRE Marshall responsible to insure that all codes and regulations are met, for the resident’s Fire and Life Safety, and can inspect a building zoned and designed for 6 units.

      How can the inspectors and approve egress routes with added walls and doors for 12 units!!

      Unless the collective group of Margate admin and code enforcement teams are together on this it seems improbably that the code enforcement inspectors do not know of these probably violations.

      The town wanted a few weeks to respond to Mr. Geddes criticism on the water heaters to avoid a lawsuit.

      God forbid but think of what a problem, or possible lawsuit it will be, if there is a fire, and some lives are lost because the 6-unit design and codes were not followed.

      The leaders of the Margate community need to just cut the crap and do what is right and be done with it.

    2. Not for nothing, the man tried to do it the right way with full intention of paying for 12 units. Clearly the property is able to support 12 units, because it is.

      Stop denying developers and take this man’s money for 12 units. Ego of city officials should not stop the wheels of progress.

      Some mentioned bribes in the comments. To that I say this: It looks to me like this business man wouldn’t pay a bribe to have 12 units and he’s not backing down. Good for him.

  2. 12 kitchens,12hot water heaters,12 mailboxes. Why is this so hard. There is no mystery here.

    He fitted out for 12 units not 6 and obviously thought he could get away with it.

    That is the saddest part “he thought he could get away with it” which speaks volumes as to his respect for the Margate city government.

    It is so blatant that it fosters that suspicion that someone got bought off

    1. Steve S = you note Baglivo has no respect for Margate city government. There is not good reason. While you may be right, it speaks more to the city does not want to do the right thing and get this over with. Makes no sense to me. Why are they not?
      AS expressed earlier, a FIRE/LIFE SAFETY issue, where code mandated egress in an emergency, in this case, is most likely NOT provided if walls and doors were added to make 12 units without a full design review by the code officials.
      If Margate and its residents are worried about a lawsuit, what would all the residents have to pay if there was a fire and resident are hurt or die due to lack of following the proper zoning approvals and a true design review by the code officials. NYS DCA, Divisions of codes and standards, office of Regulatory affairs provides this service for a Life Safety reason; this is such a situation. state investigators who can be contacted to jump in an do a review. I usually stay out of issues like this, but a life is a life.
      Margate should bite the bullet for everyone’s safety and just get it over with.

  3. Phil from Ventnor

    As Steve said – 12 kitchens, 12 water heaters, 12 mailboxes. This really is cut and dry. Margate administration should be taken to task on this. Continue to put the pressure on with the OPRA’s and this solid journalism.

    Credit to Pat Geddes and DownbeachBUZZ for shining a light on this. Don’t let up on them now!

  4. The rules are the rules. The law is the law.
    Unless you are the largest donor to the current administration’s political campaign.
    Baglivo was the largest contributor.

    Remember his picture giving the finger to the 41% of voters who did not vote for Collins and Horn?

    Remember his celebrating in a video Baglivo hugging Collins and Horn at Boca after the election last May????

    This is not just a coincidence…………………….

    Maybe a recall is in order for this administration and a new vote for our elected officials.

    We all know how they screwed Blumberg after the election. They would not have won without him.

    This is bad for Margate now and will get worse over time.

    1. Wow! This is eye opening and shocking information! If this is true, there should definitely be a recall! Unbelievable!

  5. The simple solution is for Mayor and Commissioners to clean house , Time for Solicitor and Building Inspector to be put out to pasture , they have been in position too long and are not doing their Jobs !!!!

    1. It’s so political it’s disgusting- I had headaches replacing a garage that was falling down. And this guy can do what he wants?

      Clean the swamp in Margate!

  6. In any enterprise certain controls are put in place to monitor operations towards achieving goals set by leadership. When controls break down the organization may be exposed to negative results. In Margate the “insider group” gets lots of benefits. The few “insiders” have convinced the voting locals they are on their side. But the reality is much different as the insiders gain benefits $$$. Wait for the reassessment and the impact on our declining school numbers.
    You can’t blame Baglivo who has pushed his own goals. He is a businessman. You may question his ethics. But the “insiders” support his goals by not enforcing the rules that others must follow. The controls were lacking with the Lombardi build. The controls were lacking when a new build house was constructed only to be torn down because it was in danger of collapse. The controls were lacking with the Rx scandal and its impacting of our finances. The controls are lacking at the planning board with many of their decisions. Remember the hearings regarding the Chinese restaurant site among other decisions! It’s the leadership that’s causing the stress of our quality of life being felt by many living in Margate. I’m happy that Maury is finally voicing his concerns and the concerns of the significant minority. But the “insiders” have their own $$ agenda. Change is the only answer because this leadership is failing us.

    1. Aaron – Many people have opinions; we dont all need t agree on items that are no related to Life Safety. We all know some backs get scratched, etc. WE all wish it was not our taxes being paid out to scratch a back. HOWEVER, when it is a LIFE SAFETY code violation, and we don’t demand the correct construction to protect future residents leasing the units we are putting them in a unsafe situation, without their knowledge. I cannot imagine a fire egress path for 12 units being able to meet code when added walls and doors are put up to create 12 units. This needs ot be looked at by another 3rd party code official review, for the safety of those leasing the units right now.

  7. Oh, the drama.

    Maybe this can become one of those tv reality shows.

    They can call it…
    “Margate’s Monopoly”
    The storylines of the reality show can focus on small city politics, business dealings, lack of leadership and how a middle class city became a rich city.

    Taking any other suggestions for catchy titles of the tv reality show and/or storylines.

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