Ocean City Boardwalk; Teen Stabbing, Violence, Kick-off Summer Season

Watch video.

Ocean City police were outnumbered. Families running.

On Saturday night, May 25, a 15 year old boy was stabbed on the Ocean City Boardwalk.

The violence and stabbing was confirmed by Ocean City Police.

Chaos rarely seen on the Ocean City Boardwalk.

Watch video.

Note: Curfews and stricter rules regarding teenagers were in effect.

  • Beach now closed at 8p
  • OC boardwalk bathrooms closed at 10p.
  • Teen curfew at 11p for streets and boardwalk.
Ocean City Boardwalk; Teen Stabbing, Violence, Kick-off Summer Season 1 Ocean City Boardwalk; Teen Stabbing, Violence, Kick-off Summer Season

Ocean City Mayor Jay Gillian press release:

As in recent years and in other shore towns, Ocean City experienced a number of issues related to large crowds of teens on the Boardwalk, fights, shoplifting and disorderly conduct during the start of Memorial Day Weekend.

I understand the impact that this behavior has on all of our residents, guests and business owners, and I want to assure everybody that Ocean City will not tolerate it.

Our officers made multiple arrests last night and were able to quickly restore order to the Boardwalk once the teens involved in these incidents were removed. We have a highly qualified team of officers on the boardwalk and throughout town, and they will enforce all laws to the fullest.

Ocean City will always be welcoming to all guests, but I want to send a clear message to parents and to teens: “If you don’t want to behave, don’t come, said Mayor Gilliam.

Videos of the chaos were posted on TIK TOK and Facebook. (see above)


17 thoughts on “Ocean City Boardwalk; Teen Stabbing, Violence, Kick-off Summer Season”

    1. Looks like some street punks from Atlantic City were bringing their crime and chaos to this family resort. Need more Cops on the boardwalk.

  1. Interestingly sad.

    Are these beach towns going to sadly have a nationwide summer of 2020?

    I am optimistic that these beach town mayors and beach town police departments will be taking care of these issues as they very well should for their residents and businesses.

    Places like Ocean City and Wildwood have businesses that make the majority of their revenue during these warmer months as we all realize.

    One should note that a few years ago, the progressive politicians in New Jersey passed a NJ family law (dealing with juveniles) which I believe handicapped police departments statewide in reference their juvenile interactions.

    If I understand it correctly, police in NJ can not even question a juvenile if the juvenile is drinking a beer or smoking marijuana or the police could be sued personally.
    In these situations, I believe it would need to be subsequent to a traffic stop or criminal offense for a juvenile to be charged or even allow for a “police station house adjustment” with the juvenile and their parents/guardians.

    So police statewide most likely have limited their interactions with juveniles for fear of being sued personally.

    With the cell phone video mania everywhere, police nationwide and statewide, and these beach towns during their busier months, are aware of this.

    Back in the day, juveniles including myself had our fun, especially in the beach towns.

    However, we were respectful and not stupid like many juveniles of today but that is another sad issue…

      1. Jay, thank you for your kind words.

        The truth can sadly get one in trouble, especially in these present times.

  2. Robert G McNally

    Gov Murphy’s vision for New Jersey is being fully realized in shore towns all over the state this weekend. The only thing missing are scores and scores of windmills on the horizon.

    On the Ventnor boardwalk this weekend we experienced unleashed dogs with owners nearby pooping and peeing on the boardwalk, marijuana smoking, beer drinking, cigarette smoking, littering and electric bikes going 30 mph. All without a Ventnor police officer in sight.

    Oh how I miss the spring and summer of 2020 when the Ventnor police chased people on foot, on bikes, on ATVs, if you ventured near the boardwalk or the beach.

    How times have changed.

    1. Lee Armstrong

      So true and well said. It’s so sad that this country and NJ is soft on crime. The criminals are infiltrating every area sadly. And they get away with their crimes!! It’s time for a big change.

    2. So true! Dogs and electric bikes all over the Ventnor boardwalk. Where are the police? Why aren’t there giant no dogs or e-bikes on the boardwalk signs? Ventnor, we need signs!!!!

  3. As someone else mentioned already, throw handcuffs on the parents or guardians and maybe this will change. It’s not even close to what it was like growing up because we had no phones to coordinate like they do now.

    1. So wait, you’re comparing a massive boardwalk with store, businesses, performance venues, hotels and amusement parks to what would be a small boardwalk with NONE of that in Margate? Brilliant.

    2. I agree with you Dee, wholeheartedly! My husband and I were SHOCKED in a good way, that the Margate Boardwalk was voted down. We knew all of the “riff-raff” would walk and bike down from Atlantic City, under the cover of the night and cause absolute chaos. People just wanted a cute little boardwalk and weren’t thinking of the repercussions. Period.

      1. You’re delusional if you think people from AC are going to travel from there en masse on a boardwalk that is literally nothing more than boards to walk on in Ventnor and if extended, Margate.

        1. You’re delusional if you don’t realize that people from A.C. DO ALREADY IN FACT ride their e-bikes, bikes and walk down miles b/c they are all hopped up on God knows what, overnight, from A.C. into Ventnor NOW and crap up the area. I have friends with homes on the Ventnor boardwalk block. Any other comments???

          1. Huh? Your comment was about riff raff and those coming to cause chaos – the other poster’s comment was referring to those people, not those out for a stroll or bike ride.

  4. Is it possible that a victim could sue the Governor and the State of NJ for not providing the proper protection or tying the hands of local police?
    Said it before…….best day was buying a condo in 1985 in Margate.
    Saying it again… best day was selling the condo in 2022.

  5. Nationwide mayhem and horrific crime. This is not going to stop no matter what Phil Murphy or Josh Shapiro says and does.

    Imagine purchasing million dollar condos and homes, paying tens of thousands in taxes, expecting a well taken after community and low crime. Those days over and it all began w “fundamental transformation” of the United States of America.

    Look at the lowlife imbeciles who’ve gone into politics. They’re inept and lack all sensibility.

    I can’t even imagine why reporters or the over abundance of new age copy/ paste journalists ask pertinent questions to these natural born idiots while they’ve zero knowledge of the US Constitution, US history and US rule of law.

    These idiots have exalted drug addicted repeat dangerous criminals.

    America has become a purposely dumbed down society of idiots.

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