VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking

Laquetta Small Atlantic City Home Depot

La’Quetta Small is the wife of AC mayor Marty Small. She’s also the disgraced Superintendent of the Atlantic City School District.

On May 31, 2024, La’Quetta Small illegally parked her taxpayer-funded, luxury SUV at Home Depot in Absecon. She took up 2 handicapped parking spots.

See Absecon Police / BreakingAC video:

Video: Absecon PD, Breaking AC.

LaQuetta Small is currently under investigation for child abuse charges. Small is criminally charged with endangering the welfare of a child (her daughter) and simple assault.

Her husband, Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small, is criminally charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats and simple assault on his young daughter.

VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking 1 VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking

LaQuetta Small allegedly used her mother’s handicap placard to park in an Absecon Home Depot handicap spot. Laquetta Small originally claimed the handicap placard was hers.

VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking 2 VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking

Excerpts from a rambling AC Mayor Marty Small social media post from JUNE 3, 2024:

To all you haters and racist devils…we good over here…trust me. We are the strongest shit on the shelf…We don’t fold and we never told unlike some of you. You keep trying to manufacture trivial shit like parking etc…Ima park where I want. A Strong EDUCATED Black Family who has EARNED everything are controlling over a Half a Billion Dollars and that is what this is all about. Mayor Marty Small.

VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking 3 VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking

Watch Absecon Police officer body cam footage.

Video from Breaking AC


4 thoughts on “VIDEO: AC School Boss LaQuetta Small Prefers Handicap Parking”

  1. Question:

    With her pending criminal case, which include serious alleged crimes, why has she not been suspended from her school superintendent position?

    Handicap Parking Situation:

    If true and it was not her handicap parking placard, she is a real gem.

    In addition, need more information in reference to the vehicle she drove as she may be allowed to use this for work and personal, per employment rules and regulations.

    You would think she would want to lay low with all that is going on around her.

    Mayor June 3, 2024 Social Media Post:

    Somebody should ask him who these “racists devils” are?
    Their situation has nothing to do with race.

    Education is very important and the more one has the better.

    Perhaps, he should take a speech class and learn not to use foul language and make intelligent points.


    He is the face of Atlantic City government.

    She is the face of the Atlantic City Board of Education.

    Atlantic City deserves better.

    1. I am very disappointed of the Mayor and wife. Its about money and contro. Hires family and friends. Shame on all of you, to bring this on yourselves. Stop being so privileged. Don’t forget we pay your salary. It will be a great day when you are all gone. RIDICULOUS SMH.

  2. The parking placard is for her mother’s use, not for her to be able to park the vehicle that is to be used for city government business.

    She admitted that the placard is for her mother, and when she transports her mother, I see no issue with parking in the handicap zone.

    The issue that she is facing is that she was not with her mother in the video that was shown, so parking in the handicap zone without her mother is not permitted. According to what I found online, this infraction is subject to an initial fine of $250.

    Two questions that I see arising from all of this:

    1. Was she at Home Depot purchasing patio umbrellas as part of her position as Superintendent, or was this personal business?

    2. Does the city of Atlantic City allow the use of their vehicles to transport family members or friends that are not employed by the city?

    My aunt worked for the state of New Jersey for a long time, and she had a state-issued vehicle. I asked her why she would pass the grocery store on the way home, get to her house to pick up her personal vehicle, and then drive a few miles back to the grocery store. She told me that the car that she was issued is owned by the state, and that it is for state business only. Stopping at the grocery store, while it would have been convenient, was not permitted.

    Driving anyone in the vehicle that is not part of state business was also not permitted. I would think that the city would have similar rules, so this needs to be checked on and confirmed so that the rules are followed by anyone with a government vehicle.

    City business – use the vehicle. Personal business – the city vehicle is off limits. Pretty simple.

    Lastly, Marty issued a statement and said that he is an educated man. He may have a degree, but what educated person uses a non-word like “Ima”? I think that his phrase also showcases a sense of entitlement, like being the mayor gives him special powers so that he can park wherever he wants.

    The last time that I checked, we are all ruled by the same set of laws, so if none of us can park there (wherever there may be), then he should not be parking there.

    “You keep trying to manufacture trivial shit like parking etc…Ima park where I want.”

  3. Suggestion:

    The Atlantic City Mayor and the Atlantic City School Superintendent…between their personal lives and professional lives, they should get a television reality show where they could make some good money off of what most would say are sad situations.


    I watched that video of the superintendent in the parking lot saying something to the effect that she can not catch a break or something similar to that.

    Really, seems like she creates her own situations?


    I mean this is the stuff the public knows about, imagine the stuff that the public may not know about?

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