Fixing Ventnor Heights Flooding

The City of Ventnor is located on Absecon Island, along with Atlantic City to the northeast, and Margate / Longport on the southwest.

Ventnor is always under constant threat of coastal flooding. Much of the damage, according to insurance payouts, come from back-bay surge, not front ocean wave action.

Ventnor historically subject to flooding and beach erosion.

This report focuses on Ventnor Heights, the former marsh island and the area nearest the Dorset Avenue bridge.

Ventnor Heights features low elevation, older housing stock, and a prevalence of year-round occupancy.

Elevations in this area range from approximately two feet NAVD88 on streets near the Bay to approximately six feet NAVD88 on some blocks. Most homes are built where the grade of the surrounding land is approximately four to five feet NAVD88.

By comparison, homes in the newer section of the Heights are built where the grade is closer to seven feet NAVD88.

The neighborhood is protected by a system of bulkheads owned by private property owners, which are at varied heights and materials.

This Resiliency Study Report demonstrates the City’s continued commitment to these goals.


6 thoughts on “Fixing Ventnor Heights Flooding”

  1. A ventnor heights resident

    How will raising Ventnor Plaza impact flooding on Wellington Ave with traffic during flooding and how will it affect surrounding neighbors?

    A detail explanation showing and explaining this toneighbors has not been properly shown or addressed.

    Would love for an article to be written on the exact engineering information from FEMA explaining this and approving it this.

    Also if there has been a time study done by Atlantic county on Wellington Ave with the increased traffic that will insure during the summer, due to Wellington Ave being a county road.

    Would hope DownbeachBuzz can help with some reporting on that. Thank you

  2. Sadly, the oxymoronic Ventnor Heights are actually an area that was once wetlands and will be again soon unless a massive effort to increase the level of the land takes place. This is going to be nearly impossible with all the land already built on.

    The other option is to lift all the buildings higher. This is another extremely expensive and temporary fix for the real problem SEA LEVEL rise.

    With sea level expected to increase rapidly by as much as 6 ft. by 2100, much of these low-lying areas on the bay sides of NJ’s barrier Islands will be underwater long before then with the rest of the Islands and beaches following soon after in the early 22nd Century.

    The question now is how much resources do we want to deploy to maintain these areas when we know we are eventually going to have to retreat from the rising seas?

  3. It’s a sure bet there is no cure for the flooding in Ventnor Heights!

    The greedy Realtors that sell homes in this area should advise buyers of the flooding problem but refuse to tell them!

    I know this because I built a home in Ventnor Heights and not a soul said a word to me about the flooding issue!

    Please don’t say you are at the shore so what do you expect.

    The so called realtor professionals know darn well they should disclose this very important information!

  4. When the intersection of Dorset and Monmouth was repaved, why wasn’the Dorset crown (the center of the street) raised so that Dorset traffic would not be impeded by the flooding there? The repaving was installed at the same grade as before. Was that the County or the City’s genius?

  5. Add on to the bulkheads to make them higher so the water stays in the bay. That should have been done in Margate.

  6. Suffolk residents

    Any idea when surrey and suffolk 100/200/300 blocks in ventnor heights will be repaved. These were never repaved after the new gas lines were completed. ANYONE have the answer?

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