Lamberti’s on Amherst in Margate Open by Summer?

Lambertis Amherst Ave Margate
Open Summer 2023?

Will Lamberti’s on the back bay in Margate finally open this summer?

The Amherst Ave construction project has been stop n go for past 5+ years. At times, finances slowed the project. Supply chain issues also played a role as well.

According to a post on a Margate Homeowners Association social media page, those working at the site say it’ll positively open in the summer of 2023.

Lambertis Amherst Ave Margate
Much higher elevation.

A bar and restaurant? Some say the place is huge for just a bar and restaurant. Where will patrons park?

Looks to me like still quite a bit of work to be done. Just a small crew working on it.

Hurdles with Margate City Hall still remain. Watch this space!


35 thoughts on “Lamberti’s on Amherst in Margate Open by Summer?”

  1. Barbara Anello McHugh

    Margate City Hall also destroyed several properties with contract they awarded to construction company for Amherst Ave road / pipe replacement project.

    The Mayor & City Commissioners should have fixed our properties and then sued the contractor. But no, they let taxpaying residents hire attorneys and spend thousands of dollars to resolve a problem that they caused.

    Two years later, my property is still not repaired. I want people to know what (Becker, Amodeo, Blumberg, Abbott) are all about.

    They brag about a surplus of tax money, yet can’t fix a problem they caused.

    Imagine… we pay city engineers, yet the disaster on Amherst still occurred. Be careful who you vote for. We need a change.

    1. Do you know that it was builder negligence that caused damage vs whether it was typical force majuere clause that was triggered and (Margate) was contractually responsible for unforeseen circumstances when contractor started digging?

      Do you know contractual and factual details about all of this? What are they, and link the source. Thank you!

  2. I agree
    Time for a change!
    16 years of Becker and his boyz and we are worse off.
    Vote Tesler,Calvarese and Singer.
    I am!

    1. Vote for whoever you want, just vote. This is NOT an endorsement in any way shape or form for the incumbents (I’m a long-time second homeowner)

  3. It’s just math

    Know what will destroy the town? Ridiculously higher taxes for when you local old-timers restrict development and the higher tax base it brings with it. Yea, they should have some improved rules on new construction but the 70s-80s kind of town you want back isn’t feasible or sustainable.

    1. Did I miss the part where locals or seasonal owners were clamoring for less parking, restricted views and more crowded beaches?

  4. I bought my margate home in 1977 as a second home owner. In 1990 I happily made margate my my year round home. In 2012 I started spending winters in warm beautiful Palm Beach. I’m coming home soon to margate but it no longer feels like home. Life is no longer relaxed where I could leisurely stroll around town or drive to a quiet dinner. This isint progress, this is our greedy self serving elected leaders selling us out for profit. Now you can get hit trying to stroll cross the street, parking no longer exists except for your own driveway. Bloated taxes are being wasted in excessive municipal salaries. My time in margate I fear is coming to an end, I no longer recognize or relax in the sleepy shore town that I loved so much. Such a shame. This is not progress!

  5. Yes, that is what LAMBERTI’S will bring, restricted views and parking problems greater than the ones now. I do wonder if it will be open by the Summer. We heard many many other opening dates that never happened. I hope this will not be the disaster that it appears to be coming. Many Amherst Avenue residents are concerned.

  6. That place couldn’t handle the business when it was less than half the size of that monstrosity. He made the outdoor area smaller, which is the opposite of what people at the shore liked about that place.

    We put up with the bad service, mediocre and overpriced food for the beautiful sunsets. Doesn’t seem like a very smart business plan to me.

    He already had to close one local restaurant due to poor management. Who owns the parking lot next to Steve & Cookies? It used to be Lambertis. Lucky for him he makes a killing renting out slips. Why doesn’t the city of margate handle that?

    1. There was some “deal” made for parking lot on Monroe by Steve & Cookies.

      Lamberti owned it, but when city gave away city land that Lamberti’s sits on – there was some deal made whereby CITY took possession of that parking lot.

      Previous to “deal”, Lamberti leased land the property sits on from the City for $500/year.

      In return, city deal included Lamberti had to repair the bulkhead for the Marina. Check it out with City records. It’s all there.

  7. A joke from day one. This monstrosity blocking everyone’s view they promised to have it done so many times. They should be fined each day it takes them to hold the people hostage. The incumbents fault.

    But driving through the city all you see is mostly Blumberg signs. They will win again. Same old bullshit. Nothing but huge structures and you need to be a millionaire to even think of living in this once great town. If nothing changes nothing changes.

    1. The “view” isn’t owned by the public. It’s owned by the property. And this “once great town” of tiny, dated homes would have taxes 2x higher without the development going on, that’s a reality folks like you ignore. Should new construction be more tightly regulated? Yes. But the endless whining about it ignores the economic realities of the new day versus the 40-50 years ago world you long for.

      1. Steve, that property has public access rights that go back centuries. NO ONE owns public access, but the public.

        Do your homework on the public access regulations that are pushed aside on that property – by the City and the owner.

        It’s all there in the records if anyone cares to look. No one owns the rights to public access; which has been stipulated from day 1 on that property’s development.

  8. Who owns views is debatable. We all enjoy the ocean and it’s view. I do not think people would want that taken away. In fact any homeowner does not want a view of something out of place. Yes, Lamberti pays taxes. So do the people on Amherst Avenue. This is more that a view problem, and everyone knows it. Would the public want additional buildings of this size along the bay? Taxes are always an excuse.

  9. Shame on everyone with your negative thoughts…!
    I’ve been in margate 20 years, 3 of them now my only residence. We’ve all watched the buildings go up, come down, as well as businesses succeed and fail.
    Well people…….. !!!!..…OUR beaches are beautiful, our landscaping magnificent, the new homes are exquisite, …….our little town has EVERYTHING you need, Wawa, CVS, supermarkets, and many many fantastic restaurants, from $ to $$$$$. Shopping is plentiful, and municipal activities abound…….for EVERYONE, young and old.
    Summers are fun with the hustle and bustle of a short ‘seasonal’ crowd, yes traffic is congested, restaurants are packed, but…….as a whole…..Margate is a fabulous place to visit, vacation, relax, run around, and most importantly…….live. Life is wonderful. !!!
    If all you complainers aren’t happy………..go somewhere else, you can always go to
    Sea Isle and try to count how many blades of grass you can find, or go to Wildwood…..
    I’m sure you’ll find peace and quiet there, hahaha.
    So…….stop your bellyaching, sit back and thank your God that you found your way to Margate, the Lucky Ones live here…..!

  10. Lamberti’s will be a hotel. Not a restaurant!

    Take a walk on the bay side. Look at the construction. It screams small hotel. Why do you think it is taking so long?

    This current band of thieves and their anointed new Amigos will pass this expansion of hotels and high rise hotels if they win .

    This is their long term plan as evidenced by their bogus Master Plan. They want Margate to become a transient community. Do you want that?

    Go ask Amodeo why he’s having daily lunch meetings at his house with the Blumberg slate and Paula Hartman.
    Money money money at our expense.

    (Realtor) is involved and it is said she will get the sole selling rights for the new condo hotel at Ventura’s if she supports the Blumberg slate.

    Welcome to the new Ocean City. Two hotels on the beach at Lucy. More on the bay.

    Ask John Amodeo how he received two boat slips there.

    Time to stop this. Vote them out.

    Margate city hall needs to be changed.

    1. Bob – there are “public access” requirements on one of the docks there. not allowed to lock the public away from the access. Boaters think they are private docks but they are not (at least in the public access area) . Has been in place for centuries. The City knows it – just allows it to be ignored. It is illegal. Putting a hotel there can be stopped if you bring the State into this travesty. CIty must comply with state laws.

    2. We owned a houseboat in Margate for 10 yrs. One year, we had unfortunate experience of renting a boat slip from owner of Lamberti’s.

      Midway through our season, he tried to change contract. He tells us we need to pay additional $’s because of size of our boat (which he knew before we rented).

      Our boat was 12’X 37′, not even close to some of the larger boats already in the slips. It was nothing but an attempt to scam more $. He is one of the most dishonest, immoral individuals I have ever met.

      What he’s been allowed to do to on Amherst bayside waterfront is a absolute disgrace! It was one of driving factors that made us sell our NJ dream vacation home.

      The corruption that goes on in that South NJ town is not only disgraceful, but more importantly a complete disregard of human decency.

      Do ALL of OURSELVES a huge favor. Vote them out. Get a court order to put that scumbag out of business.

      Folks, follow the money.

  11. Fulltime taxpayers should have local voting rights. This is just ridiculous craziness that is happening. Just curious how many locals actually vote…

  12. Well here we are. July 1st 2023. Happy Grand Opening Day For Lamberti’s.

    Public was told in May that this EYE SORE would be opened. I said at that time NO WAY.

    I worked construction in the commercial field for years, there’s no way that this place will open within the Summer 2023 time frame.

    If you look from the outside, you’ll notice open framing, holes, unfinished siding, electrical rough-in, and no front entrance, door or steps.

    Look inside, there’s no ceilings, walls, or finish work, to be seen. Not to mention that at any given time there’s only 2 or 3 work trucks at the site, if you where close to grand opening you’d need 20+ trucks and personnel to hit a punch list this large.

    Ask your self this, where’s the tables and chairs for such a large restaurant? Kitchen equipment sitting in an unfinished building?

    Look for this place to be done in late September to October, or NEVER!

  13. Margate is no longer a quaint desirable beach resort. I’ve lived here since 1977.

    Local building codes have been so bastardized by the Commissioners, their families and various building/Real-estate influencers that my town is no longer recognizable.

    Beautiful old bungalows with parking for two cars and about 40% impervious ground are being replaced by three story sun blocking behemoth with six bedrooms and six baths requiring six parking spaces that don’t exist with very little if any impervious ground.

    The motivating factor by locals is money!

    Money and unscrupulous zoning boards have ruined our quaint beach town.

    Want to relax? Not here.

  14. LAMBERTI’S was knocked down on March 29,2019. Now 4 years. That was more than enough time to complete it.

    Someone bit off more than they can chew, and others put a blind eye to it. It is the residents now to have to pay the price in many ways, none of them.

    1. You’re rather conveniently ignoring multiple years of the pandemic, significant supply chain issues, labor shortages and economic realities like rising interest rates, don’t you think? Yes, it should be finished but you’re looking without considering everything else that’s gone on in that time.

  15. New Lamberti’s building destroyed bay-views. Knock it down and make it one level.

    This Margate building commission / planning board is worse than when Rubin was running the show.

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