Margate‬ Resident: Punishment Needs to Fit the Crime for Funk

This is an open letter to the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office from -Rachel Albanese, ‪#‎Margate‬ Resident

In response to the recent local headline of Ashton Funk, a Margate City firefighter, lifeguard and champion beach patrol rower, who must forfeit his city positions after being convicted of shoplifting $7.98 from a local Wawa is this:

I don’t know much about this case, nor do I know Ashton Funk. What I have read about Mr. Funk is on his employment as a Firefighter and a Lifeguard. The confusion that arises in my mind is that a man who shows up to work everyday ready and willing to sacrifice his own life – by entering a house fire while everyone else is running out or running into an ocean to save someone from drowning – is being crucified for an $8 theft.

Between the moments of life and death for each of us, are men and women like Ashton Funk – people that save lives so we can live another day as he and others like him put their lives in jeopardy every day rescuing someone like me and you from a danger that could be fatal.

Mr. Funk is guilty of stealing and shoplifting is a crime of dishonesty but in my opinion the punishment does not fit the crime…I appeal to the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office on behalf of other like-minded individuals that Ashton Funk should keep his jobs and do a select amount of community service hours as payment for his crime…a crime that has little to no repercussions on the community or society at large. Take a look at the bigger picture – by taking away Ashton Funk’s employment, may be taking a chance on someone’s life.

I call on Wawa to drop the charges and let Ashton Funk get back to work protecting people in our community – the very same patrons of Wawa.

-Rachel Albanese, ‪#‎Margate‬ Resident
