Message From The Downbeach Green Team

Lucy & The Green Team
Lucy & The Green Team

As summer approaches, we need to be more aware and vigilant about the cleanliness of our beaches. The trash that humans leave on the beach goes directly out to sea and can choke or strangle sea life.

Plastic is one of the biggest culprits endangering our oceans. Humans generate more than 300 million tons of plastic a year and only 5 percent of plastics are effectively recycled. Almost half of it is used only once and then finds its way into the ocean. According to the World Economic Forum, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050.

Sustainable Downbeach believes a two-pronged approach is needed for this serious problem.

We need to reduce our consumption of single-use plastic, that includes water bottles, and make every effort to recycle what plastic we do use. We need to go out of our way to pick up the trash we see on the beach. If we don’t do it, who will?

Bringing thermos type bottles to the beach and other places, and taking them back home, is a terrific idea and is a given in many communities. Bringing soft bags while shopping or requesting paper, or just walking out with only a few items using no bag at all would mean a significant reduction in both beach and street trash.

We are all in this together for the sake of our future and our sea life.

Cleaning up after ourselves on the beach should be a given. Why not go the extra yard and pick up one more thing? Think twice about accepting plastic bags and water bottles. As a community, we deserve to be proud of our clean beaches and healthy sea life.

The Downbeach Green Team


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