Former Bank Demolished, Margate Site Prepped for Miniature Golf.

margate ventnor ave, golf
Site of Proposed Miniature Golf in Margate.

See Pics > Demolition crews almost done. Clearing the Margate corner where a miniature-golf course could be up and running by Summer 2018. The last remnants of a former bank now being hauled off. Some families can’t wait for the new attraction. Others are pursuing legal action to stop it.

‘Congo Falls’ mini-golf: a family attraction planned for the corner of Adams & Ventnor Ave., site of the former Cape Bank, right next to the Margate WAWA.

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Brian Cutler: A few Margate residents are opposed to the approved mini golf project in Margate. I questioned their information being distributed, my questions included: What are the detailed appeal process plans they are proposing? How much money will their proposed appeal cost to their potential donors and if their appeal was to reach the New Jersey Supreme Court, what are the monetary costs to the Margate tax payers? Does their legal team believe there is chance of winning to justify the time, resources and money required by the City of Margate and the opposition donors? If mini golf is not located in the Margate business district, where else would it be located?

Ed Blumenthal: Property owners objecting to a rammed through zoning board decision is clearly something very reasonable. The Zoning board crammed this through “in the dark of the night” so to speak. There was ZERO notice of a land use change to the CBD. No notification, no hearing, nothing! Keep in mind they can do this anywhere in Margate- residential or not. So this IS serious. Yes we are appealing. It is our rights to do so. We have many generous and concerned property owners willing to fight this. And, per legal council, excellent chance to prevail. Time and cost-yes—but many feel it is worth it to protect our community.

We have until Mid-March to file our appeals.

Lisa Facciolo-Fusaro: I am for the mini golf. Yes they should have given more time for all part-time and full-time residents. We all pay taxes in Margate. The theme could have been better. The sign hopefully will be small in size. The location is fine. There is nightlife up and down that street. No to kids hanging out. That should be watched and patrolled. Hours of golf may need to be looked at. 11:00 is a little late. It would be nice for everyone to compromise and hope for the very best. Margate needed some kind of different entertainment.

Jay Weintraub: The issues are how the City of Margate informs property owners of Planning board matters. The other is Location. Not once did anyone ever write to say No to mini golf in Margate. It is also about the Margate Master Plan. This is not about the full time residents vs part time residents.

Brad Tabakin: It never ceases to amaze me the pure disdain that many yearly residents have for the summer owners. How long do you think any of these shore towns would survive WITHOUT the seasonal residents? Margate is a cash rich government. They have positive cash flow and that all comes from the seasonal people who choose to make Margate home. Don’t think for a minute that these same people couldn’t go to other shore towns…especially since AC is such a toilet (although getting better). For all the yearly residents who dislike the summer people, what do you think your taxes would be and your town look like without the seasonal residents??

Emily Zaidan: An area surrounded by residents, there are many potential problems in this location. It’s not the mini golf as stated several times, it’s the way the city stacked the odds against anyone who was against this by not providing enough owners/residents to have any input. This is going to be a nightmare for anyone who lives within the vicinity of this business. So much different than the commercial properties there now of the restaurants and clothing stores.


3 thoughts on “Former Bank Demolished, Margate Site Prepped for Miniature Golf.”

  1. I do not understand all of the fuss Margate needs more areas for kids to play and hang out and not just stand in front of the WAWA A miniature golf course sounds like a fine idea Go for it

  2. BTW Don’t like the idea of a Miniature Golf Course?? Imagine if the WAWA would have tried to put a gasoline station there as they have at many of their sites Want that in Margate? I think not

  3. Fun idea..theme is really bad, could be much more interesting in a way that would include the environment and location as a theme.
    Would like to contribute in the design that makes sense for Margate.

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