Commissioners Accused of Biased Referendum Language for Rebuilding Margate Boardwalk

Rebuilding the Margate Boardwalk

Did Margate Commissioners create a biased, ‘poison pill’ document that will only scare local taxpayers about rebuilding the Margate Boardwalk?

Mayor Becker, along with Commissioners Amodeo and Blumberg met on July 16 to discuss potential wording for a boardwalk referendum ballot question. A resolution was to be voted on. Commissioner Blumberg made a motion to table and delay that vote.

Why are they delaying this simple vote?

City solicitor, John Scott Abbott, updated attendees on efforts to rebuild the Margate Boardwalk.

Listen: Margate Commission Audio. July 15, 2020.


Margate Boardwalk Committee (MBC) not happy about Margate’s suggested referendum wording. (see below) It’s written like a poison pill. It’s not open and unbiased, says Stephanie Bloch from the MBC.

Margate Boardwalk Committee alleging the commissioners are offering the public a “poison pill – a choice so distasteful, it will be immediately rejected by the voters.”

Questions remain about current referendum wording. City Administration wanted changes designed to scare.

Margate Boardwalk Committee

MBC’s Bloch: Administration trying to scare taxpayers? This is a NON-BINDING referendum.

Deadline to get referendum question on November ballot is August 14.

Commissioner Maury Blumberg made a motion to delay…. and table the resolution for now.

Response to Margate City’s Proposed Referendum Language

In the high-stakes world of corporate finance, we refer to the proposed language you have given us for a referendum on the Boardwalk (dated July 14th, 2020) as a “Poison Pill” – a choice so distasteful, it will be immediately rejected by the voters. 

If you were truly committed to an open and unbiased examination of this referendum, you would NOT:

  1. Propose a study to determine the cost of a Boardwalk and then name a price for that same Boardwalk – before conducting that study. This is a blatant contradiction. If you already know the cost of the boardwalk, then you don’t need a study. If you need a study, then you certainly don’t know the cost of the boardwalk. You can’t have it both ways.
  • Give $30 million dollar figure for cost of Boardwalk without basis in fact. The most expensive version of the Boardwalk that our Committee proposed – on basis of estimates provided by qualified vendors – was $24 million.
  • Give cost figure for Boardwalk without description of what that money will buy. What kind of a Boardwalk are you proposing exactly? The Margate Boardwalk Committee suggested 4 different version ranging from $14mm to $24mm. Would anyone ever buy anything without knowing what it is? That is not a legitimate question to put to the voters.
  • Use the phrase “…in excess of” in front of every cost figure in order to induce fear of runaway expenses. If you know how to manage construction contracts, then you should be capable of managing to precise cost limitations.
  • Insert the line “these initial costs do not include any potential litigation costs” which is another rhetorical trick to create fear of a known and controllable cost.

This is a Non-Binding Referendum. The purpose is to determine voter interest in rebuilding Margate Boardwalk….NOT A DECISION TO BUILD A BOARDWALK.

Why are Commissioners insisting that referendum include price for the Boardwalk? We can only conclude that it’s to negatively sway the vote.

We propose: Elimination of price for Boardwalk; elimination of phrases “in excess of” in front of cost for the necessary studies and “these initial costs do not include any potential litigation costs.”

The Margate Boardwalk Committee


WHEREAS, the City of Margate City Board of Commissioners desires to ascertain the sentiment of the voters of the City of Margate City (hereinafter “Margate”) with regard to the construction of a new noncommercial boardwalk on its public beach extending from the existing boardwalk at Fredericksburg Avenue in Ventnor City (on the border with Ventnor) to Coolidge Avenue in Margate (on the border with Longport); and

WHEREAS, the intent of this ballot question is for the voters of Margate to express their sentiment and give direction to the Margate Board of Commissioners regarding the construction of a new boardwalk; and

WHEREAS, this ballot question and the determination by the voters shall be advisory in nature and nonbinding on the Margate Board of Commissioners.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Margate City Board of commissioners hereby requests that the Atlantic County Clerk place the following question on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot:

“Shall the City of Margate expend monies estimated to be in excess of $285,000.00 to conduct a study so as to determine the feasibility and costs of building a non-commercial boardwalk upon Margate’s public beach extending from and connecting to the end of the existing boardwalk at Fredericksburg Avenue in Ventnor (on the border with Ventnor) to Coolidge Avenue in Margate City (on the border with Longport)”

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following interpretive statement concerning the above question be placed on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot for the City of Margate City:

“This question, if approved by the Voters, will give direction to the Margate City Board of Commissioners on whether to expend monies on a study to determine the feasibility of constructing a boardwalk estimated to cost in excess of $25,000,000.00.

Monies spent would include title investigation, design, engineering and permitting of a boardwalk structure. These initial costs do not include any potential litigation costs.


11 thoughts on “Commissioners Accused of Biased Referendum Language for Rebuilding Margate Boardwalk”

  1. Lawrence Snyder

    This proposed ballot question is obviously worded to precondition the answer with a negative response.
    How can you state the costs now if you are looking for a study to determine the costs.

  2. The Margate Commissioners will only do what is best for them & how much they can line their corrupt pockets.

    Look at John Amodeo our so called Safety commissioner! He has grand children living right next door and yet he doesn’t do anything to try and get the speeding & stop sign abuse under control. But it also doesn’t help when the So called chief of police & the captain also do nothing to help with the problem. During the morning when the kids are going to school most of the time when the have a patrol car sitting on the corner the officer of the day doesn’t even get out.
    Just think about all of this!

    If Amodeo doesn’t care about the safety of his own grand children do you really think he cares about the rest of the Margate residents children?

    The consolidation of the schools have also been another subject the commissioners have been dancing around. Margate doesn’t need 2 half empty schools and a superintendent that has done NOTHING to resolve this issue. Think about the reduction of taxes if we get rid of an expensive superintendent & go to one school.

    The Margate Residents need to remove the incompetent commissioners & Scott Abbott especially the DO NOTHING Amodeo. A horse’s ass if there ever was one!

    The 3 Stooges, thieves, Amigos or what ever you want to call them are no good for Margate and need to go!

    1. Karen M or whoever you may be –Pls apologize for your vile / repugnant post referring to commissioner Amodeo and his committment to his family .

      It’s easy to hide behind an alias and post this garbage . Pls identify yourself , or I hope that someone identifies you .

      Crawl back in your home; the sewer . –Fred W

    2. Mr Karen M –Following up –Challenging Commissioner Amodeo’s committment to his family is cruel and abusive . .

      You are sick . Pls seek professional help .

      I hope you will publicly apologize and identify yourself on the record the next time you attend a commission meeting . –Respectfully–Fred W

    3. Everything about Amodeo and the other so called commissioners is true!
      You Just don’t want to hear the truth.
      All you need to do is watch the speeding and stop sign abuse around the city to see our safety commissioner doesn’t care! But please let’s not leave our police chief and captain out of the mix. You can’t even call him chief. Chief is a sign of respect! how can you respect anyone who doesn’t do anything.

    4. Everything about Amodeo and the other so called commissioners is true!
      You Just don’t want to hear the truth.
      All you need to do is watch the speeding and stop sign abuse around the city to see our safety commissioner doesn’t care! But please let’s not leave our police chief and captain out of the mix. You can’t even call him chief. Chief is a sign of respect! how can you respect anyone who doesn’t do anything.

      1. Bill Phillips ( Karen M ) –Words matter, your words matter . Your malicious words directed to Commissioner Amodeo could be actionable libel . You may wish to retain counsel .

        Seek professional help –Fred W

    5. Bill Phillips ( AKA Karen M )–Easy / convenient to hide behind an alias to besmirch others . Good Riddance. Publish your filth wherever you may now be located . –Fred Weinstein

  3. Margate does not need a Boardwalk for many reasons. First and foremost is the liability. Atlantic City already is back logged with people suing for injuries and damages. Building the Boardwalk is one thing but maintaining it, providing security, lighting, port-a- potties and what about the length of the ramps to access the boardwalk? They would actually block some peoples drive-ways.

    I also feel if this is a local issue, affecting all homeowners, whether year round residents or the other 90% of second home owners, then all home owners should be allowed to vote when it comes to taxpayers paying for this darn thing. It’s not fair when it is in Margate that all owners don’t have a right to vote.

  4. Josen of Margate

    It’s really past time for all the tax paying homeowners to wake up that Margate has some real issues : 1. Two schools – only one is necessary 2. Members of the Board of Education appointed by the Mayor – candidates should be voted upon 3. Margate Teacher’s Average Salary is the 4th highest of ALL the school districts in the ENTIRE state of NJ
    4. Beach replenishment: Where did all the sand go ? Probably now, on or near, The Wildwoods beaches
    5. Building a Boardwalk : Really needed ? Whatever the final estimated cost of building and maintaining
    the Boardwalk is — you can be assured the total cost will be way over the estimate and maybe a true “white elephant !”

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