Margate Police Remind Residents and Visitors of Summer Safety Rules


The Margate City Police Department is asking parents to more closely monitor their children around town this summer.

According to MCPD, there has been year-over year increases in juvenile activity in several areas of town. Especially during the evening hours.

With the increase of un-monitored activity, come increased reports of underage drinking, drug use and other property crimes.

Margate PD is unable to constantly and closely monitor large groups that form near these business districts. (ex: WAWA area) The beaches are another gathering spot.

If any of the juveniles that MCPD encounter acting in a way that poses a threat to safety, MCPD will secure the child until a parent is able to take responsibility for them.

Dogs are never allowed on the beach, and MUST be on a leash in most other places. The leash requirement applies to service and support animals as well where it doesn’t directly interfere with their duties.

NO SMOKING. State health regulation: No smoking or vape usage of any kind, in any park zone, including beaches.

Electric Low Speed Vehicles are subject to the same rules and regulations are any other passenger vehicle. Seat belts are required for all passengers and children must be in the same safety seats that would be if they were traveling in a car. You MUST have a license to operate a LSV and all passengers must have a seat.

A list of regulations can be found at:


6 thoughts on “Margate Police Remind Residents and Visitors of Summer Safety Rules”

  1. I am thrilled to hear the Police are cracking down on these gathering areas for children.
    Although it’s really not the job of the Police to control the teenagers but the duty of their parents, I am proud of the Police for monitoring the business district and beaches.
    It keeps these areas safe and the children safer.

  2. Do parents care where their kids are at night? Little kids on bicycles on the beach and bulkhead on Washington Ave at 11:00 at night. Why aren’t they home with their families?

    I have to close bedroom windows where my children sleep because of foul language they’re screaming out.

    Police will come, but I’m sure they’d prefer the parents do the jobs of parents. I’m sad to see it and do not know what can be done. These are children.

  3. With the taxes we pay Margate can certainly afford to hire several private security (Rent-A-Cop) to patrol the problem areas in the evenings. Allow the Police to do their real job.

  4. Police did a fine job over the weekend. The problem is on weekdays the extra police are not there. The bars are open and the police have enough on their hands. These kids are not all from Margate. There are curfews in other towns. I have seen cars dropping off children at WaWa and the bulkhead. Where do they think their kids are going?
    I want it understood that the police always come when called.

  5. Washington Ave beach has many smokers. How do we enforce that law? People put their used butts out in the sand and small children play with this trash.

    Young people are using the E-cigarettes and destroying their health. I cannot see how this law can be enforced.

    Police cannot walk around and look for smokers. People need to police themselves and follow the law.

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