Margate Homeowners Question Bocca Essex Ave Take-Over

margate homeowners

Jay Weintraub from the MHA, Margate Homeowners Association, sent the following email to our 3 Margate Commissioners.

Last summer, I applauded measures taken by our Commissioners. Helping our Margate businesses make it through a terrible time.

Blocking Essex Ave was a great idea during a time Bocca needed help.

I understand that a Consent Agenda Item was pushed through with no community input or debate, allowing Bocca to block the street again this summer.

I am concerned with the consent order to allow Bocca to again block off Essex Ave for the summer.

Why is Margate entering into an agreement with a private enterprise to help that business increase revenues?

That’s exactly what Margate is doing.

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Bocca has little cost / expense with that added capacity. They get increased revenue. If Bocca did well prior to Covid, they should be fine now.

Last year during Covid, I was all in for stuff like this. We all wanted to see our businesses survive. But why the preferential treatment for just a few?

Why are taxpayers helping Bocca increase their bottom line at the expense of Essex Ave homeowners?

Why create a problem for those who live on the street? And those driving thru Margate?

This was a bad decision for many in Margate. It favors just one business. At the expense of many.

This decision needs to be reversed.

Yes. Sometimes Margate Commissioners do make poor decisions.

I firmly believe this is a poor decision.

Jay Weintraub, MHA.

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29 thoughts on “Margate Homeowners Question Bocca Essex Ave Take-Over”

  1. Very true. Margate needed help last year as did the all the businesses, including Bocca.

    But…why now. Bocca will get its business back!

    Agree with Jay 100%!

  2. I agree with Jay. Homeowners on Essex took it on the chin last year but why should they have to this year? If my home was on Essex, I would be raising hell to fight this! The street is public, not private domain.

  3. Love Bocca but will consider boycotting them if they and their political cronies are this inconsiderate of the Essex St homeowners.

  4. Did anyone ask the homeowners?

    Would like to hear from people who live on that Essex block. Bocca is very good to the community. And having outdoor dining and music is great. But if I lived on that block, I would be furious if I wasn’t asked for input first.

    Anyone saying the homeowners should have known they bought near a bar – It’s not like Bocca has been there for decades like Maynards or Roberts, it was just restaurants before, not a loud bar – so the homeowners have to deal with noise and now the road closure.

  5. I will absolutely not go to Bocca if they close the street. Not fair to the folks that live on Essex Ave.

    Not fair to other businesses. Not even fair if Bocca had to pay to use!

  6. The filth outside that restaurant is disgusting. The odor just walking by is enough to keep me away. Not to mention the blocked sidewalks that prevent residents from walking through to Ventnor Ave or to the beach.

    Last year the street was supposed to be off-limits to anyone who wasn’t a resident, but it was never patrolled.

    The amount of traffic disregarding the barriers became a huge safety concern for the residents. Not to mention that cars were using private drive ways to make u turns once they discovered that they couldn’t actually get through.

    The decision to permit this to happen again this year when restrictions have been lifted spells CORRUPTION.

    Not one other business in Margate was given the opportunity to use public, residential streets or areas to increase their business or make up for lost revenue. How is that fair?

    Has any one ever considered that this could be a disaster should there ever be a medical emergency or fire on Essex Ave?

    This decision needs to be discussed and reversed. What an embarrassment to Margate.

  7. Sounds to me like pockets are being padded! How is this decision not being fought by every other restaurant in Margate?

    I feel sorry for the residents who live on that block. They tolerated this last year thinking it was a one time arrangement. Disgraceful.

  8. This is so obviously wrong, that if it goes to court Margate will definitely lose. I hope the loss does not cost the Margate tax payers.

  9. Seems like Margate has gone overboard with helping this restaurant – and Lamberti’s.

    Land was GIVEN to Lamberti’s in exchange for a “deal” regarding the bulkhead. All of that was fishy because it is seemingly cutting off the PUBLIC ACCESS to the water that is the LAW. All this in the name of “helping a business succeed.”

    Now, I’ve heard news that Lamberti’s is already in foreclosure, before it even opens.

    Is Margate going to buy it back to help out the Bank? Gimme a break.

    Lots of lousy decisions being made for reasons that seem to help a select few. We all know what that’s called. Bad look Margate.

  10. Last year, the 3 Stooges and the Code Enforcement storm troopers put their heads together and rammed the Essex Ave hijacking down our throats in a secret and slimy backroom deal.

    It was unnecessary in keeping it all secret since virtually everyone wanted to see Bocca survive.

    This year, the rat bastards are at it again. But with zero public support.

    It’s a sneaky underhanded stunt by rotten sneaky backstabbing men.

  11. Any suggestions for a way to organize and reverse this decision (and not close Essex Avenue)?

  12. We in this neighborhood should have known better than to buy a house near Essex Avenue?

    In the 1990s when I moved here, it was a much different neighborhood. There was a quiet restaurant on the corner, The Sailfish, and there was no activity outside.

    Oh, if only I could have predicted that there would be a world wide pandemic a quarter of a century later, I guess I would not have bought my house here.

  13. The problem is the majority of the entitled self absorbed residents don’t give a darn so long as they are seen in their new Range Rover or Tesla! Plus, they are not full time residents and can’t vote. This town is circling the drain, it has become Wildwood. What a shame.

    Oh, done with Bocca too. We will find other places and maybe actually use our BBQ and stay home!

  14. Jay I Weintraub

    Shelly have you read my posts.
    Organize your neighbors. Knock on their doors.
    Start an e mail and letter campaign to the three commissioners.
    The MHA spoke out for you and everyone else.
    Now step up and mobilize. Stop complaining and start doing!

  15. Jay,
    The neighbors have called ,complained and written emails to everyone they could think of . Most of these have gone unaddressed. Several
    residents were told it was already a done deals. Short of hiring an attorney, there isn’t much much they can do. This is an outrage!

  16. Unreal- Taking over a public street for the benefit of a business.
    Will they pay tax or rent on this added space? LOL.
    They should pay an inconvenience fee for the residents on that street who are getting (fill in the blank) inconvenienced.

  17. There is one solution to shutting down this illegal enterprise being perpetrated between Boca and these 3 disgraceful commissioners- We all have to boycott Bocca.

    The lifeline to any business is customers and the $ they bring to the bottom line. There are many fine restaurants in Margate/Ventnor – Let’s patronize those restaurants instead.

    Why aren’t they afforded the same courtesy as Bocca? – Stella, Barrels, Sapore, Velo, Agnes – All of these restaurants suffered harsh financial issues during covid, too.

    The other important issue: the safety of the people living on Essex and the surrounding streets. There is no way a fire truck or ambulance can get to the street without going around which COSTS TIME – COST LIVES.


  18. Carmine C. Bonanni, Jr.

    Well, the set up is done and the neighbors will need to deal with it. I really do not support blocking off the street, but since it’s done, I do believe the area could be made a little more attractive. Improve the appearance of the Ventnor Avenue retaining fencing. The sand bags are just unsightly. A bad appearance, not in line with Margate reputation. Also, for the neighborhood in general, no amplified music. Guitars, strings, etc. would be less noisy and annoying to neighbors who live nearby.

  19. It is true other residents don’t care. Doesn’t effect them so it’s no problem.
    Try having all the restaurants on Ventnor Ave do this and see what happens.

  20. Yes, it is all about money, when the truth comes out. Also, was BOCCO the ONLY restaurant in Margate that loss income? Is it fair to the rest that they are not compensated? This was an illegal decision, and it will remain as is. Disgrace.

  21. Residents on Essex ave are inconvenienced with this decision! I wouldn’t like it either. Have some respect for the Locals!

  22. It seems that the out of town visitors feel they don’t have to obey traffic signs.

    Out of town minors that vacation here and hang around Wawa terrorizing and disrespecting people!

    How about educating those to have a little respect for residents who really reside here year round.

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