Hansen Sober-Living Seeks Expansion and Atlantic City Zoning Approval

Hansen Sober Living Atlantic City Ventnor Margate
Hansen Family Sober-Living Development

Margate’s Jennifer Hansen is well-known for her efforts in operating sober-living homes. Many of these properties are within the communities of Ventnor and Atlantic City. Some are side by side, 3 in a row.

Miss Hansen is part of the family business called Ole Hansen & Sons. In addition to owning the Downbeach Express toll road, Ole-Hansen is one of South Jersey’s leading commercial Real Estate developers.

Jennifer Hansen is Ole Hansen’s, Director of Real Estate Development.

Hansen is currently in court fighting the City of Ventnor, where she wants a tax exemption for her beach block properties.

Next door to Ventnor in Atlantic City, the Hansen Foundation is looking to expand within the Lower Chelsea neighborhood.

Jennifer Hansen will go before the Atlantic City Zoning Board on Tuesday, July 13, 10a via Zoom.

Members of the community are encouraged to attend and provide feedback about the expansion of drug rehab and/or sober-living homes along the shore.

Join the AC Zoning Board meeting. Discuss Hansen Corporation’s expansion efforts into Atlantic City during public comment portion of the meeting.
Atlantic City Zoning Board meeting.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 10a.
Zoom link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83442184508?pwd=cEZrV1k4THlLSmh6M3FLL2RrZVNrdz09
Meeting ID: 834 4218 4508
Passcode: 034857
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834 4218 4508
Supporting documents –

Hansen Targets Ventnor for More Sober Living Homes


8 thoughts on “Hansen Sober-Living Seeks Expansion and Atlantic City Zoning Approval”

  1. Bridge Trolls

    Enough with the sober living scam, can we talk about how this family gouges residents with their private bridge? The Hansen bridge trolls have quite a racket going.

    How many privately owned toll bridges still exist in the US? Three, I believe?

    Margate should take control of that bridge – it’s an insane amount of revenue the city could collect.

    Here’s a proposal, divert Jerome Ave and build another bridge right next to the Hansen bridge. Charge $1.50 instead of the $2 these greedy trolls are taking.

    Put them out of business.

  2. Congratulations on perhaps the most ridiculous idea ever suggested on here. So using your brilliant plan, the municipality should invest multiple millions of dollars for a new road and bridge to recover its costs $1.50 at a time? It will only take 650,000 cars to recover a million…. Where do you think the costs will actually come from? Higher TAXES ! If the bridge and its tolls irks you so much, perhaps find an alternative road onto the island.

  3. Time to take the Hansen’s on. This is worthy of a yes vote to spend our tax dollars on. Just as long as mike cupeles doesn’t get a vote. He is an idiot and spent our tax dollars on a raise for the super when many are out of work. Great representation of what not to do if your thinking of the tax paying citizens of Ventnor

  4. Putting the rest of us in servitude. Increase in taxes for the rest when we pay the highest property taxes already. Maybe I should start a real estate empire under the scapegoat of sober-ish houses. Fun times, right?

  5. People need to join the calls and make their opinions (and votes) count! No more sober enclaves!!! Hanson’s are getting filthy rich!!

  6. Mike – you pay the “highest taxes”? Relative to what/where? Certainly not other NJ shore beach towns.

  7. David Kirshtein

    Thank you to the Buzz for getting the word out about the July 13th Planning Board meeting.
    The attendance on this Zoom meeting was well over the 100 allowed by Zoom. Since not all who wished to attend were allowed admission, the meeting was postponed till July 27th, at 10 am.
    Please get the word out, again, so we can get maximum attendance and show unity against Cooperation Sober Living Residences in our beach towns.

  8. Using the property at 16 South Tallahassee Ave. for a group recovery house is like putting a square peg in a round hole. It just does not fit.

    Lower Chelsea has been up and coming for the last couple of years. Putting a drug recovery house on a very nice block is like going backwards 15 years.

    No one wants this to happen but the applicant.

    The residents need to show their opposition at the July 27th Zoom meeting.

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