Atlantic City Short-Term Rental Growth Harming Lower Chelsea?

Atlantic City’s Lower Chelsea is the classic, ocean side neighborhood right next to Ventnor.

Large homes and walking distance to the beach and boardwalk.

Lately, Lower Chelsea has become quite popular with investors. Real Estate entrepreneurs are converting spacious homes into short-term rental operations.

Carol Ruffo, president of Chelsea Neighborhood Assn says short-term rental properties are having a negative impact on this part of the city.

Ventnor AirBnB short term rentals

Public was unaware of some latest moves by AC Council. Ordinance received no public comment period.

Sneaking in a special meeting between Christmas and New Years Day.

Rental rules have been dramatically relaxed. This goes against general trend of rental minimum-stays in order to avoid animal house behavior. (most common with single and weekend only renters).

Short-term vacation rentals built within residential zones, being turned into multi-family properties.

These homes are commercial businesses. Harming quality of life.

Ruffo: Out of 15 Real Estate transactions, 12 are bought by LLC’s.

Unlimited AirBnB in Lower Chelsea?

Michelle Brunetti Post asked about 2012 lawsuit paperwork. How can it happen this quickly? (atl c 49-12)

Councilman Kurtz: No public meeting was held.

City wanted the more risky, No Minimum Stay. Neighbors want at least a week or more. Just like other shore towns. Weekenders can be trashy, noisy, all night party with parking problems.

Entire Penn State cheerleader team across from us.


5 thoughts on “Atlantic City Short-Term Rental Growth Harming Lower Chelsea?”

  1. AC government is a disgraceful mess. They don’t care about citizens. They are in bed with every lousy, crooked, cheap business grifter who will give them a free beer and hamburger.

  2. Yes, my own experience is proof. I have seen it with my own eyes, had it confirmed for me by a member of city council, as well as another frustrated city official. I have also made many attempts to contact the mayor & city council, and get nothing but the run around. As a taxpayer who takes pride in my little piece of property, it is disheartening & disrespectful that citizens are disregarded.

    1. When you can’t rob the residents for more money, corrupt politicians sell out their communities to big corporations who will gladly pay them for the privilege of ruining your nice residential community…one vacation rental house at a time. Then throw in a halfway house for druggies and alchies with a smattering of section 8 to finish things off.

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