Atlantic County School Superintendent Salaries, 2024

Atlantic County School Superintendent Salaries, 2024 1 Atlantic County School Superintendent Salaries, 2024

Atlantic County Superintendent Salaries, 2023-24.

Atlantic CityLa’Quetta Small$215,250
Atlantic County ACITPhilip Guenther$213,312
Brigantine Glenn Robbins$169,585
VentnorCarmela Somershoe$164,800
MargateAudrey Becker$150,239
Source: New Jersey Department of Education

Note: La’Quetta Small, wife of AC Mayor Marty Small, was hired as Superintendent of the Atlantic City School District even though she had no previous experience in such a role.

During her short tenure as principal of Atlantic City High School, Laquetta Small was responsible for less than 25% of ACHS graduates unable to pass a basic math or grammar test.

LaQuetta and Marty Small are currently dealing with charges of criminal child abuse.

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2 thoughts on “Atlantic County School Superintendent Salaries, 2024”

  1. Education pays.

    On average, about 60% of your local property taxes go to your respective school district which funds on average of about 90% of your school district funding.

    In New Jersey, about 19 billion dollars, yes that is billions, of real estate taxes are paid to school districts each year.

    This is big business, folks.

    Then add in some state aide and some federal aid.

    And then do read about the actual test results of the students statewide which are actually not good, contrary to what the NJEA will tell you.


  2. Outrageous. Privatize and get rid of the public school system as its all political and way too expensive.

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