Margate Road Diet Update: Lane Painting Underway.

Margate Road Diet
Margate Road Diet

.Atlantic Ave in Margate undergoing the final phase of a so-called, road diet.

Roadway becoming one lane in each direction, with wider bike lanes on both sides.

Pedestrian safety cited a primary reason for this Margate roadway project.

Other are concerned that traffic would be slowed, forcing cars onto residential streets like Amherst, Monmonth and Winchester.

Photo from Shore Local Live.


20 thoughts on “Margate Road Diet Update: Lane Painting Underway.”

  1. All that work for 90 days of use,now that is money well spent ! You might as flip flop the lanes and give the bikers the bigger lane because their big asses wil need it,they take over the road with their inconsiderate attitude and how they ride side by side.

  2. Leonard Friedland

    So glad to see this safety initiative coming to Atlantic Avenue in Margate. Road diets are proven to slow down car traffic and improve pedestrian safety.

  3. If Atlantic Ave is one lane in Atlantic City and Margate, why is not Ventnor also adopting the same traffic pattern? I’m afraid it will become a speedway in Ventnor, as people try to compensate for lost time in the other towns. It should be consistent. And those crosswalks are very dangerous on a wide 4-lane street. You can’t see what’s coming in the outer lane, cars in front of you have to suddenly stop for pedestrians that you can’t see, and pedestrians are careless and don’t even look before attempting to cross. They are supposedly there for safety reasons, but there’s nothing safe about them. Atlantic Ave is dangerous for many reasons; keeping It 2 lanes in Ventnor only is making things worse!

  4. This is awesome. No more doing speeding on Atlantic Ave. Maybe now someone can get across the street.

  5. Pushing traffic on Winchester, Amherst, and Monmouth I believe will be a mistake those are the streets the children use to go to the JCC, ballfield, tennis courts, bike ride, skateboard and go to school. To risk their safety, for 90 days of summer congestion, not good.

  6. There is now a backed up line everytime you enter Margate from Ventnor,and no one knows where to go with your new lines. Horrible job Margate. Change it back.

  7. Now the fat ass bike riders can ride three wide if they want. What a joke you idiots cannot get anyone to run against these guys. Typical pineys down at the shore. Can’t wait until Memorial Day to see this mess ha ha

  8. If someone is so dumb they don’t know where to go they have no business driving.The 2 lane in each direction was a disaster waiting to happen as long as pedestrians crossed at will.

  9. It was not a disaster at all. They been using it that way since the trolleys stopped running in the late 50’s reduce the speed limit in the summer to 25 .go to a street with a light if you can’t cross a street. People have been crossing at crosswalks for years. Now its just total confusion. The problem is putting to many condos in the area so during the holidays and weekends in the summer it is going to be total chaos. How is it going to be at night we you be able to see all those turn lanes in the dark ? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  10. Road diet working great! No traffic jams as doom and gloomers predicted, safe clean and enjoyable for locals and tourists alike!

  11. July the 4th came and went. What happened to the predicted traffic jams??? Smooth traffic and enjoyable for bikers , joggers and day trippers! Tax dollars being used smartly.

  12. Can Neil come out and play? Would love to hear an update on the mess and disaster (your own words) you assured us was coming from the road diet, dude. We’re waiting….

  13. Margate Charlie

    This past Saturday night I went from the Lucy area to Borgota around 5 and back around 11 and had no issues with traffic flow on Atlantic ave. I was one who thought this was a waste of tax payer dollars and it may be but it is not a huge traffic obstacle. Atlantic is still a much better choice than Ventnor ave. The added traffic does control speeds which is a good thing for pedestrians and drivers alike.

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