How To Vote in Margate With MAIL-IN Ballot

Margate Election 2019

Want to vote in Margate via Mail-in ballot? The Margate City Commission election is May 14, 2019.

Last day to register to vote in the upcoming Margate election: April 23 at 4p.

If you’re not registered to vote, you can fill out an application at this link

Either mail it in…..OR hand-deliver the application in person at the Atlantic County Commissioner of Registration. 1333 Atlantic Avenue, 4th floor, Atlantic City, NJ.

Remember, one vote can make a difference.

On the 2019 Margate election ballot:

If you are a qualified and registered voter of the State who wants to vote by mail in the Margate City Commission Election in the County of Atlantic, New Jersey to be held on May 14, 2019 write or apply in person to the undersigned at once requesting that a mail-in ballot be forwarded to you.

The request must state your home address and the address to which the ballot should be sent. The request must be dated and signed with your signature.

If any person has assisted you to complete the mail-in ballot application, the name, address and signature of the assistor must be provided on the application and, you must sign and date the application for it to be valid and processed.

No person shall serve as an authorized messenger for more than 10 qualified voters in an election. No person who is a candidate in the election for which the voter requests a mail-in ballot may provide any assistance in the completion of the ballot or may serve as an authorized messenger or bearer.

No mail-in ballot will be provided to any applicant who submits a request therefor by mail unless the request is received at least seven days before the election and contains the requested information.

A voter may, however, request an application in person from the county clerk up to 3 p.m. of the day before the election.

Voters who want to vote only by mail in all future general elections in which they are eligible to vote, and who state that on their application shall, after their initial request and without further action on their part, be provided a mail-in ballot by the county clerk until the voter requests that the voter no longer be sent such a ballot.

A voter’s failure to vote in the fourth general election following the general election at which the voter last voted may result in the suspension of that voter’s ability to receive a mail-in ballot for all future general elections unless a new application is completed and filed with the county clerk.

Voters also have the option of indicating on their mail-in ballot applications that they would prefer to receive mail-in ballots for each election that takes place during the remainder of this calendar year.

Voters who exercise this option will be furnished with mail-in ballots for each election that takes place during the remainder of this calendar year, without further action on their part.

Application forms may be obtained by applying to the undersigned either in writing or by telephone, or the application form may be completed and forwarded to the undersigned.

Edward P. McGettigan
Atlantic County Clerk
5901 Main Street
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
(609) 625-4011 or (609) 609-641-7867

Johanna Casey, RMC
Margate Municipal Clerk


1 thought on “How To Vote in Margate With MAIL-IN Ballot”

  1. With the elections right around the corner, I hope everyone is giving some serious thought to their choices.

    Remember, with the current Three Amigos, there are too many secrets and hidden, self-serving agendas.

    Some questions we should all consider these important questions: Why did the current council members snub the open forum? Why did they change the meetings to begin at 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm during the work week? It seems like a tactic to avoid answering questions about key topics such as the DEP involvement in the proposed waterpark and and lack thereof in the dredging of the back bay. Why does it appear the DEP is dictating to Margate what we should and should not be doing in our own town? Why do our elected officials continue to Perish forbid they may have to answer questions about what is happening in Margate! For instance, if the DEP is making the decision on the so-named Water Park, why don’t they take responsibility for dredging the back bay? And if the proposed Water Park is being built on the back bay of Margate, and therefore needs access to Margate, why do we have to go along with the DEP? Can’t we refuse their access?

    Other important issues that are ignored is the current state of the school system. Do the Margate residents even know that if we don’t close one of our schools, we may be forced into taking students from Atlantic City to maintain viability?

    The Three Amigos totally avoid answering all the above questions. We deserve transparent answers to questions that affect our quality of life!

    Margate desperately needs a change in government. Voting in one new member and breaking up the Three Amigos, may be the beginning of that change.

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