Margate 2020 Budget: More Ratables, Higher Expenses, No Tax Cut.

Margate Commissioners have adopted the 2020 city budget. The Margate CFO reported higher expenses and no tax-cuts for the fiscal year.

Over past year, Margate enjoyed additional $37 million in new ratables. Ratables are property that provides tax income for local governments to spend.

Most of this additional value comes from new construction., which brings on higher property tax assessments.

Those new ratables translate into an extra $915,000 for Margate Commissioners to spend.

  • Margate municipal expenses increased by $915,000
  • Various expenses increased $300,000 (3.95%)
  • Margate salary and wages were up $97,568
  • Margate had $469,000 (11%) increase in debt payments

Margate total assessed valuation is now $3,747,197,700.

Tax levy of $23,157,230 — 61.8 cents per $100 of assessed property valuation.

Auditor Leon Costello of Ford-Scott Associates believes we should all be proud of this strong, fiscally responsible budget.

Note: Atlantic County Exec Denny Levinson recommends that all towns swap out auditors every three years. Not many do.

With all that new money rolling in, higher ratables equals more borrowing power. Margate, like many Jersey shore towns, are swimming in new ratables.

Why does Planning Board encourage building on every square inch of Margate?

Concerned Citizens of Margate

Higher assessments equals higher property taxes.

To date, Margate Planning Board doesn’t see concern for over-development.

Not sure why tax relief wasn’t considered. Margate will never attract young families as long as they keep taxes so high.

Residents questioned why some of that new money wasn’t used for much needed tax relief?

Flat taxes are nice, but a tax-cut should be considered. Margate needs to cut expenses, especially with declining full-time residency.

Concerned Citizens of Margate

When will Margate finally cut taxpayers a break? On average, 75% of Jersey Shore taxpayers don’t vote here. Second homeowners getting hosed.

Margate tapped into $3.2 million of surplus funds to help fund the larger budget. Margate has a small reserve of $4 million in surplus.

Mark Lovett Comment: Margate’s lack of a tax increase is an illusion for long term residents over 65. Because of Covid 19 expenses the state is freezing up funding for the “senior freeze” program that kept taxes stable for long term residents over 65 who comprise over a third of Margate’s population.


13 thoughts on “Margate 2020 Budget: More Ratables, Higher Expenses, No Tax Cut.”

  1. Unbelievable that the commissioners, with almost a million in increased revenue, wouldn’t take a sharp pencil to this budget and reduce expenses.

    This is an entitled set of commissioners who don’t feel they need do anything to make life easier for their constituents!

  2. Taxation without representation

    If they don’t open the beach in Margate, we should consider a property tax boycott.

    What are we paying taxes for? To be kept out and to have these yokels vandalize our property?

    1. Yokels? The median home price is ~$500k in Margate. You’re the one complaining about not having enough money. Sure you’re not the yokel? Shouldn’t have bought that house you can’t afford, bro.

  3. More money for the corrupt 3 Amigos to steal. They are shifty politicians. An investigation into their finances would be advisable.

    Wake up folks. Your complaining about beaches and boardwalks are admirable, but misguided. They’re stealing your money right in front of your face.

    Focus on this issue. Send them to jail and the other issues will work out.


  5. Where can taxpaying residents get a breakdown of where this money has been spent. Can we get access to the auditors report?
    Tom Warsh

  6. Jacqui Delario

    Not surprised. The three amigos do little beside find new ways to spend tax money. I request access the the auditor’s report as well.

  7. Some reasons why Margate officials said “NO” to a tax decrease for residents:

    The Commissioners and Mayor only care about how much more they can line their pockets. They care nothing about us

    They refuse school consolidation. Close down one unnecessary school. This would save Margate taxpayers the salaries of that school’s superintendent and teachers salaries. This should have been done years ago.

    Margate doesn’t need a school superintendent. We also don’t need a full-time Chief of Police. He’s just a figurehead who doesn’t perform the duties to justify his high salary.

    Think of the money and tax reductions Margate would save by doing the above! Sensible and responsible actions, long overdue.

    I hope the citizens of Margate realize what a big mistake they made by voting again for the 3 Amigos.

    EVERYONE needs to start finding replacements for them. Individuals who will be responsible, true and caring leaders who will rectify the over-spending, nonsensical, selfish present commissioners and Mayor.

    1. I’d vote for you Lou! Maybe someone can shed some light on the plans for the former Lamberti’s…. wtf!

      What is that monstrosity going up? How was approval ever given for what looks to be a 3 story structure on the bay?

      If I owned one of the townhomes across from that eyesore, I WOULD BE SCREAMING!

      Wonder how much money went “under the table” and into the “big 3” pockets to get that project through. Is impeachment for all three possible? Food for thought.

    2. Mayor Becker controls the Planning Board. His brother-in-law who owns Colmar Hardware, is his surrogate on the Planning Board.
      He gets a ton of business from the City if Margate. No bids!

      Mayor Becker controls the Margate School Board. His daughter-in-law is a principal at one of the schools.

      Is our Mayor running a family business or our city?

      We need a Superintendent for two schools like we need a hole in the head.

      Our schools can and should be consolidated. There won’t be a downgrade of education, but a big savings over time in expense.

      One school. One principal. One maintenance staff. One property. If we don’t do this, some think the state will.

      Sell off the other school. Maybe get 1 or two million dollars for the city. Have a developer buy the property and build 30 town homes in the $250,000 to $400,000 range that young couples can afford. That solves our affordable housing and community growth for a future generation.

      Now, regarding the Chief of Police. Our Current Chief is well-qualified with his past police and leadership experience. Every team needs a leader.

      We have spending on waste in Margate. Self-interests perhaps. Straw real-estate purchases on the Bay. Time for transparency.

      It appears that the only group making any headway here is the MHA, Margate Homeowners Association.

      Some who grew up here want to constantly bust on the MHA. Why? Afraid of change? Afraid of losing control?
      Over 67% of taxes are paid by 2nd homeowners. They have no voice.

      The Margate Homeowners Association developed over the last two years, a line of communication with our Commissioners .

      They have gathered large crowds at both the Planning Board and Commissioners meetings to raise our voices for all in Margate.

      I for one, am a member of MHA. I would ask you to join too.

      Tired of getting pooped on? Want a voice? Help the MHA and yourselves.

      It’s time for acceptance and inclusion of Margate 2nd homeowners.

  8. Margate taxes hard at work? Amodeo Blvd, aka Huntington & Fulton intersection. Didn’t do it correctly the first time. Now a reconstruction the second time.
    Once again, Amodeo’s mistake cost Margate taxpayers!

    What does he care as he never faces the consequences or termination of his position. Anyone who looked at the original circle questioned the ridiculous design.

    They tried to impeach President, why don’t we do the same for 3 Banditos?

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