Grossman: Volunteers of the Year.
On June 20, Jewish Family Service of Atlantic & Cape May Counties hosted its Annual Meeting.
Staff, Board members, volunteers, donors, and supporters came together to hear about the state of the agency, installations, donor recognition, volunteer appreciation, and staff awards.
The agency recognized Lois & David Grossman as the 2023 Volunteers of the Year. Delivering Meals on Wheels and food pantry bags each week. They implemented a new annual food drive with the Margate Homeowners Association.
The agency also extended a heartfelt thank you to outgoing Board President Joel Caplan, Ph.D.
“JFS assists more than 13,000 people each year,” said Andrea Steinberg, JFS’ Chief Executive Officer.
Matthew Simpson was sworn in as JFS Board President to serve a two-year term. Lawrence Reich, DDS, will join Melissa Rosenblum, Esq. as a Board Vice President, Sarah Rosenthal will serve as Treasurer, and Adam R. Steinberg is in the role of Secretary.
In addition, Jess Kane Berman and Eric Goldberg were sworn onto the Board of Directors for a one-year term.
During the meeting, Caplan presented Adam R. Steinberg with the President’s Award for his commitment to the betterment of the community and agency.
Caplan presented the President’s Award for Innovation and Compassion to volunteer Harry Albert. Each month, JFS receives a large food delivery. Instead of walking each box up and down steps, Harry created a seamless process to utilize a roller platform that moves each product directly into the building which saves time and heavy lifting.
With 185 employees, JFS Chief Operating Officer Ann Thoresen recognized staff members celebrating anniversaries with the agency. Elizabeth Akpassa, Jessica Beatty, William Bennett, Michele Emery, Alan Fishkin, Kelly Ford, Winter Harmon, Karen Kelley, and Jessica Reinhardt celebrate five years of service at JFS.
Heather English, Margaret Hutchins, Natalie Kraft, Jennifer Wagner, and Jeffrey Willson were recognized for 10 years at JFS.
Christine Zoda-Egizi, Naomi Jones, and Maggie Weaver were acknowledged for 15 years of service.
Lastly, JFS Senior Director of Human Resources Greg Rosenblit announced the staff Community Impact, Heart & Soul, Outstanding Service, and Leadership Awards.
The winners are: Community Impact Award – Kaitlin Kore, Heart & Soul Award – Syed Mehmood, Outstanding Service Award – Sherilyn Haddock, and the Leadership Award was presented to Samantha McManus.
As the meeting progressed, JFS Senior Director of Communications & Donor Relations Beth Joseph, welcomed and thanked new agency donors – Carol & Alan Simpson, Macy’s, Charles Malamut | The Malamut Group at Morgan Stanley, Pamela’s Health & Harmony and Walmart as well as thanked the Law Offices of Melissa Rosenblum, Roth-Goldsteins’ Memorial Chapel, and Antoinette & Eric Wood for their increased pledge commitment.
For information on JFS programs, services or employment opportunities, visit
For info on volunteer opportunities, contact Vanessa Smith
609.822.1108 x249
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