New Jersey Saltwater Fishing Regulations 2021

Margate Fishing
Party Boat Fun.

Looking forward to Summer 2021 fishing along the South Jersey coast. Fluke, Stripers, Tautog, King Fish and the really fun-to-catch, Blue.

  • Ventnor Fishing Pier (fee) great place to drop a line with a great view.
  • Atlantic City Inlet access points along new boardwalk. Jetty fish in 60ft of water.
  • Surf fishing allowed in designated areas along most South Jersey beaches.
  • Charters, rentals and party boats are available in AC, Brigantine & Margate.

Fluke season starts May 22, where you can keep 3 fish at 18 inches.

NJ Saltwater Fishing, Size & Catch Limits 2021

The 2020 rules are still in effect. Download a copy and print out.


New Jersey Saltwater Recreational Registry: required of most saltwater anglers

The state registry is free and required of saltwater anglers even if currently registered under the federal program. Those already registered with the state don’t need to register with the federal government.


Shark Fishing in New Jersey.

Federal regulations prohibit targeting any prohibited species. Anglers must release any prohibited shark immediately, without removing it from the water and in a manner that maximizes its chances of survival.

Sand Tiger Sharks are a prohibited species, therefore posing for pictures on the beach with this species or any other species on the prohibited list is a violation of federal regulations.


Additional information on the regulations regarding these species can be found at:
