Save The Whales Rally Draws Over 500 to Ventnor Beach

Ventnor Whale Wind Turbine
Don’t Kill The Whales.

Over 500 gathered on Ventnor’s Suffolk Ave. beach on Sunday, April 3.

Concerned citizens came to support the rally against experimental wind turbines, a project that’s likely killing whales and other marine life. At least 30 dead whales so far have washed up on local beaches.

Government agency’s standing firm. They claim there’s no evidence that ‘sonic’ or ‘seismic’ surveys of the ocean floor is causing a historic slaughter of marine mammals, including endangered species like whales. A US Navy report clearly debunks that argument.

Seismic Surveys Harm Whales

The ‘Save The Whales’ event took place on and around a massive ‘sand whale’ stage. Another great work of art by renowned sand sculptor, John Gowdy and his wife, Laura.

Long quiet on the issue, local politicians finally joining the fight. Too little, too late? State, county and local officials cautiously spoke out against the wind farms.

Offshore wind farms, comprised of 1,000 ft wind turbines, will occupy thousands of acres of Jersey shoreline. Some turbines will be erected just 8 miles from the shore line.

Politicians have typically remined silent as NJ Gov Murphy, under cover of C-19 emergency executive orders, ignored local input. Murphy took advantage of draconian, harmful, and ultimately useless shut-down measures.

Using executive order, Murphy pushed thru the controversial wind project. Stockton University and ACCC, Atlantic Cape Community College helped distribute cash to those supportive of Murphy’s plan. Most towns, schools, and various other orgs took the financial grants.

Defend Brigantine Beach

defend brigantine beach
Defend Brigantine Beach

Note: New Jersey no longer has ownership of this experimental, taxpayer funded, wind project. The last piece recently sold off to foreign developers looking to increase control of U.S. energy production.

How many whales and dolphins actually died but never washed up on shore? Some may have sank. Others eaten by predators. Some suggest lifeless marine mammals may have been towed further out to sea to avoid scrutiny.

MMSC; Marine Mammal Stranding Center of Brigantine, was not a sponsor or participant in this marine mammal event.

Offshore wind farm development already killing marine mammals, stripping ocean floor of sea life.

Ventnor Rally Speaker

Stockton, ACCC, ACIT, Sustainable Greens Teams, Margate and Longport did not attend or participate in the rally. Local school students visibly absent. Sadly, young adults will be the most affected group in the future. Only then will they see the complete industrialization of South Jersey coastal waters.

Jersey Shore Fishing Harmed by Wind Turbines

Destroying Marine Environment.

WOND. Bagnell.
Save The Whales. Stop The Turbines.


4 thoughts on “Save The Whales Rally Draws Over 500 to Ventnor Beach”

  1. Virginia Mercaldo

    How do I learn more about these events. I would like to show my support for the whales
    V. Mercaldo, Margate

  2. Another phony grievance by the far right and it’s BIG Fossil Energy backers. By the way, stop calling it an Experimental Project it’s anything but Experimental. Wind Turbines exist all over the planet especially in the US Midwest where lots of farmers make a handsome living harvesting the wind while growing corn, wheat and barley under the Wind turbines. The notion that Sea based Wind Turbines harm marine mammals is as phony as the demonstrators belated concern for them is. The truth is they are being used by the people that want to drill baby drill. Oh, and if that means drilling offshore and using sonar and explosives to map the places, they want to drill that’s going to be fine with this crowd.
    The Wind Turbines are going to be built and the sooner the better. As for the fake outrage over them that will move on to some other fake outrage these people specialize in.

    1. Spot on Seadog. None of the allegations about windfarm are anything even close to proven, yet. And I’d bet 2/3 of the people at the protest would be ordering Kujira (Japanese for whale) at a sushi joint if it was being served.

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