Should Margate Taxpayers Subsidize Amherst Ave Upgrades Benefiting Private Property Owners?

margate commissioners boardwalk
Margate Commissioners

The Margate Homeowners Association are urging residents to attend the Margate Commissioners meeting this Thursday at 4 pm.

Two important topics will be covered at the Margate Commissioners Meeting:

The first, will affect all taxpayers. Lost parking and a more dangerous traffic situation along Amherst.

The Margate Commissioners will be voting, and most likely approving, a short boardwalk on Amherst Ave. They want to float a bond to pay for it.

According to the MHA, there’s been no transparency in this matter.

This is all being done without public input or comment says MHA President, Jay Weintraub. ‘The Mayor and Commissioners are pushing this through hard and fast’.

The 2nd matter to be discussed on Thursday: The petition to rebuild the Margate Boardwalk. The Margate Boardwalk Committee will be asking for a public poll of all taxpayers. 

The MHA ( Margate Homeowners Association ) believes the Boardwalk Committee’s work to collect over 600 signatures is substantial. 

If the poll reveals a majority of Margate taxpayers are in favor of rebuilding the Margate boardwalk, then a referendum should be considered.

The MHA is not taking a stance for… or against…  rebuilding the boardwalk. They’re just sharing information to the MHA membership.

Make you voice heard: THURSDAY AT 4:00 pm. Margate Commissioners at old historic City Hall, Washington & Ventnor Ave, across from WAWA.


20 thoughts on “Should Margate Taxpayers Subsidize Amherst Ave Upgrades Benefiting Private Property Owners?”

  1. Previous to the Amherst project I would like to see the outcome of the decision on a Boardwalk on the ocean first!

  2. Why does Margate need a boardwalk on Amherst Avenue when there has been an existing sidewalk that runs along the bulkhead? It’s already there and concrete requires much less maintenance than wood. It just needs replacing after the bulkhead work is completed.
    Common sense tells us we don’t need one on Amherst Avenue, but there’s the problem: the Margate Commissioners don’t have any and only care about their self-interests. All of you who voted them back in have to deal with the consequences. Scott Abbott cares about Scott Abbott and, along with the 3 Amigos, is only interested in continuing to line his pockets. By the way the 3 Amigos was never intended as a complement!

    Anyone who has driven on Amherst Avenue, north of Jerome, knows the city hasn’t kept up with needed repairs for the existing streets/area since the Gas lines were replace. They can’t seem to get that all repaired. Do you want more expense and problems there????

    A very concerned resident

    1. > Why does Margate need a boardwalk on Amherst Avenue when there has been an existing sidewalk that runs along the bulkhead?

      The argument is the sidewalk is too narrow at the bulkhead. Lamp posts are positioned poorly too. A wheelchair could not make it down that sidewalk.

  3. If I wanted to live in Ventnor or Ocean City I would have bought there. Every square inch of Margate is being developed

  4. There is no need for the boardwalk on Amherst Ave. The street is already too busy and dangerous. Margate is turning into Wildwood thanks to our corrupt politicians and the stupid people that voted for them!

  5. This section of Margate is already a nightmare of traffic, delivery trucks jamming up the street near Lamberti’s (they have no place to take deliveries except from directly on Amherst Avenue) and now you want to add more to the Carnival-Like Atmosphere already in this area? No taxpayer dollars should be spent on this insane project.

  6. Having spent more than 30 summers at the shore in Margate as a child and young adult, I came back and purchased my own house for my family to enjoy. Additionally, I work in local government, so I truly understand that the cost of boardwalk will have to be shared by all owners (as primary home; and as secondary home). To make this truly fair a referendum should be placed that allows all homeowners to vote on the boardwalk.

    My self, I like Margate the way it was in the 1980s and 1990s. Let’s net turn into an Ocean City. This will cost an arm and leg…show the residents the full projected costs and and the quality of life issues.

    I do think this board does tries its best but I just respectfully disagree on this issue.

    1. > To make this truly fair a referendum should be placed that allows all homeowners to vote on the boardwalk.

      Including investors? Including non-US citizens that own property? Including people land-banking empty lots? Including owners that rent 100% of the year?

      None of that seems “truly fair”. Residents get a vote. Tourists here 16 days should not.

  7. NO boardwalk on Amherst Avenue as i
    t will only benefit the homeowners in that area and we’ll be the ones (Margate taxpayers) stuck with the expense! Remember, there is always a hidden agenda with anything new in Margate. Transparency does not exist in this town!

  8. NO boardwalk on Amherst Avenue, as it will only benefit the homeowners in that area and we’ll be the ones (Margate taxpayers) stuck with the expense! Remember, there is always a hidden agenda with anything new in Margate. Transparency does not exist in this town!

  9. Let’s build the boardwalk and put us on the map as one of the best city

    Let’s build the boardwalk and put our Margate first to be one of the best city

  10. Why not close Amherst Ave from Washington to Coolidge Ave for pedestrians only from 4pm Fridays until 6pm on Sundays or at least make it a one way street during these times? Just a thought.

  11. No boardwalk on Amherst.
    The street is already busy enough and too crowed.
    I do not support more taxes to do this, No new bonds.

  12. Speed bumps and stop signs are both excellent ways to help make Amherst between Coolidge and Washington a safer thorofare during the summer season. Steve L

  13. The “walkway” on Amherst is definitely politically driven. The three commissioners (stooges) that agreed to the walkway do not care. Their three homes are no where near any of their homes.
    The next thing you may hear…. the walkway can only be built if the supplies come from Colmar hardware.

  14. No boardwalk on Amherst Avenue. It is way too crowded already. I would recommend a dedicated bike lane as some bikers think going down the middle of the street is acceptable. Before we spend money on a boardwalk, how about increasing the bulkhead at the remaining areas to prevent flooding. If we want to do anything in the bay area, upgrade the sewer system so during high tides (sometimes without even raining) the streets do not flood.

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