Be advised of Air Space Restrictions during the 2023 Atlantic City Airshow practice and air show days.
Warnings are going out: Restriction of drones, parasailing, kite flying, or any other device within a 10-mile radius of the Atlantic City Air Show space.
Drones or other devices being used in violation of this restriction will be confiscated and their operators arrested.
2023 Atlantic City Practice & Air Show times.
- Mon, Aug 14, 2023. 4p to 6:30p (practice)
- Tues, Aug 15, 2023. 10:30a to 5p (practice)
- Wed, Aug 16, 2023. 10:30a to 5p
This restriction has been in practice for the past 20 years and affects Longport, Margate, Ventnor, Atlantic City and Brigantine.
The exact restricted areas are from 23rd Street in Longport to South Roosevelt Boulevard in Brigantine.