Learn About Margate Boardwalk Rebuild via Zoom Meeting

Margate Boardwalk
Growing Support for Boardwalk

On Nov 3, Margate voters will decide if the city should move forward with considering a rebuild of it’s once popular boardwalk, destroyed in a 1944 storm.

Want details about this effort? The Margate Boardwalk Committee will do an online meeting via ZOOM video conferencing on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 7p.

The Margate Boardwalk Committee will discuss the various benefits of re-building the boardwalk, only this time better, stronger and safer.

Margate is better with a Boardwalk.

Glenn Klotz, Margate Boardwalk Committee

The online presentation will feature what’s being proposed and why many believe a boardwalk is necessary and beneficial to the city.

Q and A will follow.

Want to attend? You can request access to the ZOOM meeting by reaching out to Gregg Lichtenstein at BuildMargateBoardwalk@comcast.net.

margate boardwalk
Glenn Klotz of Boardwalk Committee

SEE: Margate Boardwalk Report:


8 thoughts on “Learn About Margate Boardwalk Rebuild via Zoom Meeting”

  1. THIS is a formal request to the Margate BW Committee and The Margate Community Assoc to Allow points of view of ALL community members to be presented at BOTH the September 13th 10 am and 7pm Zoom meetings. Everyone has a right to be heard for full and fair transparency.
    This is also a request for the supporting documentation behind the numbers being put forth by the BW Committee.
    In radio interview Glen Klotz admits we are in an era where it is “not unusual to gain and loose parts of Boardwalks” in storms and he goes on to lists multiple recent instances where this happened repeatedly to near by BWs. What will that COST?? He expects Margate BW to get destroyed as part of plan!
    He also admits that Margate can spend the $285,000 the referendum asks for, and the State and DEP
    make call on if BW can be built at all and Glen “doesn’t know” if they will ever allow on top of their complex underground storm management system and it will be a “lengthy process”. How about using all the $$ for flooding that is happening NOW in Margate!!!
    With the large storm rolling through, we are currently experiencing early morning flooding and we may see intermittent issues as the tides rise and fall during the day.

    If a roadway is totally covered please do not drive over it, especially if your vehicle is low to the ground. If you see any barricades up, please do not drive past them.

    Some of the commonly flooded areas to avoid as best you can are:

    The area of Winchester Avenue starting at Douglas continuing through and across Jerome Avenue up to Lancaster Ave sees deep water in several spots, especially near Essex, Granville and Kenyon Avenues.

    The intersection of Amherst and Kenyon also typically floods quickly and there may be intermittent spots along Amherst up to Washington depending on the tides.

    Amherst Ave near the Tighe School at Essex Ave will usually see deeper water during rain events.

    The entire area from Washington Ave through Coolidge Ave between Ventnor and Amherst also typically sees severe flooding during storms and above average high tides. Avoid that area.
    The intersection of Winchester and Benson Avenues near our Public Works yard and playground will also likely flood.

    If portions of Ventnor Ave are partially flooded we ask that you drive slowly in that area to avoid sending water up to and sometimes into several of the storefronts in the area.

    This list of common areas is not *every* area that sees flooding, just the ones we see the most. Please stay in as much as you can
    during the storm today and use caution if you must go out.

  2. I live in North part of ventnor and would support building the boardwalk. I would like to be able to walk from ventnor to the Margate library and restaurants,etc on the boardwalk instead of having to walk on the sidewalk when the ventnor boardwalk ends. Donations should actively sought from ventnor as well as Margate.

  3. Adrienne and all others that want a boardwalk. Please read the comment from Jamie Sheller – what don’t you guys get it. We have a major flooding problem that has existed for at least 40 years that I know. It creates property damage for many of our residents and damage to cars – not to mention disruption and loss of business for many of our business owners – who can ill afford loss of business in a normal year and especially in this disastrous year – I would certainly hope that you understand that this takes priority over your inconvenience of walking to the restaurants. As I learned in the Armed forces IMPROVISE. This boardwalk idea is not a good idea for many reasons. Correcting the flooding problem, community safety and traffic flow problems are where we should be allocating our limited community funds NOT – a boardwalk to address your your inconvenience.

    1. Is the Downbeach Buzz a mouth piece for Glenn Klotz. If so that’s OK but there should be more transparency. I’ve read the Buzz responses for months and this hype about growing support for a BW strikes me as nothing more than hype.

  4. Half the garbage Ms. Sheller posts on this page is not true. Margate needs a boardwalk. Tired of dodging cars on Atlantic Ave.

  5. JOHN W., WHY DON’T U CROSS AT GREEN LIGHT SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO DODGE TRAFFIC. Once again – you Adrienne and the other espousing a boardwalk have no concern with the real problems in Margate – the flooding and the damage it causes for our homes and businesses – the safety of our town and the additional traffic that will be incurred – and the cost of such a project on our pocketbooks.

  6. “READ THE REPORT” They want to use Black Locust wood as the “best choice” well it was a disastrous for Wildwood and Ocean City ( they used yellow pine)!!! (see link)Those towns stated they “discourage its use in other (BW) projects” They ended up last minute having to replace it with Ipe wood that destroys the rain forest creating international outrage. Towns like Belmar and Spring Lake use plastic lumber. the BW report admits the WW rebuild estim is 65 million for 1.8 miles not much bigger then Margate’s proposed BW. It will be a battle every step of the way.They are selling magic beans in this report, and could care less about all the houses and businesses subjected to constant flooding!!!



  7. The idea is ridiculous. People have lost all sense of fiscal responsibility. Tax And spend spend spend…and this one is gigantic,will be ongoing maintenance and will have no payback. Walk on the beach…its free, natural, and lasts forever.

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