Margate Planning Board Approves Another 3rd Story Deck

margate real estate
Rendering of Proposed Home

The Margate Planning Board voted to approve another 3rd floor deck that’s NOT directly on the water.

A zoning change was enacted in JAN 16, 2020 that was supposed to curtail the growth of 3 story homes and non-compliant decks in Margate.

According to Margate Planning Board officials, building plans were submitted after that date change, which amended the definition of ‘half story’.

Listen to audio from recent Margate Planning Board meeting.

Margate Planning Board AUG 2020
margate planning board ZUMOFF
Property Location

Margate has no problem with home building demand. New construction is booming thru-out the Downbeach area.

With so much mature development, it’s getting a bit tougher to build OUT, so why not build UP?

Owners could have built a much larger home without variances, says Atty Eric Goldstein.

Corner property. Not exactly on the bay, but just across the street on the corner of Fulton and Nassau Ave.

Margate Planning Board Approves Another 3rd Story Deck 1 Margate Planning Board Approves Another 3rd Story Deck
Current Home on Property

Property owners wanted a variance for a 3rd floor deck, says Atty Eric Goldstein.

Applicants to the City of Margate Planning Board for the development of a new flood-compliant two and a half story single family home at the above-referenced address within the S-40 zoning district. The existing site is a buildable lot of record, the dimensions of which are 60’ x 80’ for a total area of 4,800 SF.

The rendering of this new home is beautiful. Will neighbors approve?

Rich Patterson questioned Architect Terry.

rich patterson margate
Planning Board Director, Rich Patterson

Mike Richman wanted to know when the cut-off date was to enforce the new, half story / 3rd floor deck ordinance.

Margate Planning Board will leave this issue up to the discretion of Zoning Officer, Roger Mclarnon.

Roger Mclarnon Margate
Zoning Officer McLarnon


5 thoughts on “Margate Planning Board Approves Another 3rd Story Deck”

  1. The house on South Nassau that Oasis has built with three decks a full 3rd floor (actually 4th floor with foundation) comes out further than any house on the street, when no one else was allowed to extend their decks.
    If this is the future of Margate, we have lost the charm with these cook cutter homes. No one needs four stories, go back to the 2 and a half stories and some charm.

  2. As a resident of ventnor I have no idea why you folks b**** and moan about building in your community. It shows growth prosperity and a town that on the rise no pun intended

  3. Gotta love when they try and claim ; ” Owner could have built a much larger home without variances ” ????

    If you can build it bigger go ahead , but dont come crying for variances

    They act like they are doing the town a favor ???

    Should have been shot down and never approved , Its completely Contray to code ,

    Board decides who they like and approve and who they dont like and approve

  4. Gotta love when they try and claim ; ” Owner could have built a much larger home without variances ” ????

    If you can build it bigger go ahead , but dont come crying for variances

    They act like they are doing the town a favor ???

    Should have been shot down and never approved , Its completely Contray to code ,

    Board decides who they like and approve and who they dont like and approve

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