NJ Gov Murphy: No Need for Testing Would-Be Teachers

NJ Gov Murphy: No Need for Testing Would-Be Teachers 1 NJ Gov Murphy: No Need for Testing Would-Be Teachers
Murphy Signs No-Testing Bill.

With the worsening teacher shortage in New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy has signed a bill that eliminates state-mandated tests for those who want to teach.

The new law removes mandatory testing for prospective teachers. The Education Teacher Performance Assessment is no longer mandatory.


Opponents say this could force more parents to pull their kids from NJ public schools.

Some will home school their kids. Others scrape together enough to send kids to private school.

For school year 2022-23, Ventnor sends 128 students to Atlantic City high school. That’s a drop of 33 students from last year’s count.

School YearStudent Count

Critics of the Education Teacher Performance Assessment test say it’s a financial burden for would-be teachers.

Testing potential teachers discriminates against low-income students, increasing racial inequities among teacher candidates.

The largest teachers union in NJ calls the test requirement for potential teachers unnecessary.

Critics say removing the test will increase number of unqualified candidates in the NJ teacher hiring pool.

The NJEA, New Jersey Education Association, said hundreds of formerly unqualified teachers are now eligible for certification.

Clicking HERE to see Spring standardized tests. New Jersey among last to release results.

Drew: NJ has gotten worse. Remove funding from the state and place it with the parent and child where it belongs.

Increase of school violence and controversial curriculum for young children. Teachers increasingly threatened by students. Alleged student crimes not reported to local police.

Ventnor & Margate do not provide ZOOM access to School Board meetings. Recordings not available on YouTube.

It’s no wonder schoolboards don’t provide ZOOM access to their meetings.


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15 thoughts on “NJ Gov Murphy: No Need for Testing Would-Be Teachers”

  1. This is horrible. We’re just going to let any old schmo off the streets spend 190 days a year with our kids? What the hell are they thinking. The nepotism will run rampant through our schools.

    If you can’t find enough teachers, maybe like, oh I don’t know, pay them a competitor salary. Why would anyone become a teacher to live paycheck-to-paycheck. It’s no wonder no one wants to do it.

    1. It is rather unfortunate you have this mindset. Most of these people you are downgrading graduated with 4.0 and not less than 3.7. Remember teaching is a skill and not strictly academics. That someone passed the praxis does not mean that that person will be a great teacher. food for thought

  2. Success of any nation is due to good family up-bringing/guidance and good education.

    I believe 55 % of American families are divorced or have children but never married. I also believe the United States is rated as 38 percentile in education while China is rated number 1 percentile in education.

    I also believe the U.S. is drifting away from the rule of law to a political lawless society full of corruption. Merit and Skill is being replaced by
    the lowering of educational job standards in every Discipline … including Medical and teaching requirements.

    As is said “The problem is clear the solution is not” …. God help us …. very sad. …. Thank you for
    allowing me to vent. Which cannot be done in Totalitarians government.

  3. I am a retired teacher from the NYC Public School system. Recently I attended a meeting at the Pennsylvania School in AC, to gain information about becoming a sub in Atlantic County. It was so complicated that I left the meeting knowing I would be unlikely to go through the process. My sub license in NYC is active. It really should be reciprocal with NJ. I think that would help get some qualified folks in the classrooms.

    1. I’ve been subbing for 20 years in Burlington County. I was grandfathered in when I retired from high school teaching. I have a Masters Degree and a substitute certification in New Jersey.I also teach at Rowan College of Burlington County. I’ve just moved to Margate and and recently tried to be a substitute teacher in Atlantic County. I’m told I have to go through the whole process – transcripts, fingerprinting, and pay the state a certain amount of money. All I want is to substitute and I am working in two districts, currently doing Home Instruction for two students there. I am more than qualified and do not understand this if anyone can tell me why this is so difficult.

        1. It is not that I personally think I am entitled. Just responding to the original article eliminating teacher testing with the possibility that having an influx of unqualified teachers gaining access to a job. My feeling is that if one (anyone) is a retired teacher with full certification and an active sub license from another state, reciprocity could make the process easier. I.E. NY and Maryland had reciprocity for getting certified as a teacher. When I applied for certification in NY, my teaching credentials MD made things ALOT easier.

      1. Bro, of course you need to go through the background check. We’re not just going to start to allow pedos into school because they “sub somewhere else too”. Get real.

      2. I have already been approved as substitute by the School Boards in two Burlington County Districts. I need to work in Atlantic County. I am willing to go through the application process, but I do not feel it is necessary since I have all the proper credentials. I am not trying to get out of anything.

        1. Yes you are trying to get out or something… they simply expect you to have updated credentials on file with THIS county, like anyone else.

  4. what a joke, let anyone with a low IQ in to teach our kids, let alone with their secret agendas to indoctrinate our children with sick ways. unbelieable

  5. Typical for this Union controlled state. Other professions have to be certified, fingerprinted, and pay to have it done.

    Why an exception here? Not having certification for quality will dumb down our kid’s education.

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