Margate Election 2023 Gets Ugly in Final Days

16 Years is Enough?

Commissioner Maury Blumberg had 16 years to address problems and fine-tune the Margate Master plan. So says former Margate Mayor, Vaughn Reale during his appearance on WPG Harry Hurley Radio, May 3, 2023.

Listen to some clips:

Full audio interview will be posted here.

Blumberg is vulnerable. 16 years in office. He played role in parking problems, out of control building, loss of character, controversial road diet, etc.

Former Margate Mayor Vaughn Reale

Former Margate Mayor Vaughn Reale discussed:

  • Lack of live video streaming of municipal meetings
  • Inconvenient (4p) meeting times
  • Anything goes development
  • Decline in public parking spots
  • Margate Master Plan needs a tune-up.
  • Road Diet

Margate Planning Board has builders, real estate execs, allies. Master Plan needs to be re-worked. Give less variances. Big boxes with decks replaced Margate’s charming homes. Loss of character. Size of buildings. Numbers of bedrooms. Choking local business. Margate needs change. Listen to Former Margate Mayor, Vaughn Reale.

Blumberg is a punk, never available to answer questions.

Harry Hurley WPG Radio. 5.3.23

70% of Margate tax base are second homeowners with no voting rights.

10 thoughts on “Margate Election 2023 Gets Ugly in Final Days”

  1. I wish you would air the complete interview instead of snippets that paint the picture in a negative light. Come on now, If you call yourself a reasonable news website, it would be fair to air the positives from THIS INTERVIEW (and others) for both tickets.

    1. Perfectly stated, Norris. The headline is an agenda, it’s not the news. The ugliness doesn’t seem to be coming from the candidate slate they oppose, conveniently. And that’s not to mean I support the incumbents… but seriously, have SOME semblance of balance and not just innuendo.

      1. You should look into the incident that caused Vaughan Reale to be kicked out of office in Margate. Version 3 of this comment as the moderator clearly just wants their version of the truth out there.

  2. One should look into why Vaughan Reale was KICKED out of office years ago. The irony in him complaining about the “good old boys” system.

    1. I listened to the entire audio. And Reale and Hurley makes such a strong case against the Blumberg team.

      Blumberg has not contributed to anything in 16 years as commissioner.

      Collins only claim to glory iz his Dad is Tom Collins why runs the city now.
      Horn is a school psychologist at AC high. Whose own children won the lottery to attend Ocean City High.

      Not one oc the three have any experience and they claim thd othef team lacks experience.
      Are you kidding me??

      Another 4 years of this group with different names !!!
      Not for me.

      Hotel overlay plan will be bavk and we will have hotels all over Margate
      is he

  3. An Old-timer

    I was raised and lived in Margate from 1968 through 1992 when I moved away.

    Margate use to be a “middle class city on the beach” when plenty of families lived, worked and raised their families there. You knew basically everybody on Absecon Island and off shore. It was a magical place to grow up there. She still has my “soul.”

    My mom still lives there and being only 50 minutes away, I and my family are in Margate on a regular basis.

    Margate has changed. People with much more disposable income have taken over the city with their summer homes. I just wish they truly know how cool Margate use to be; however, I do not think they really care.

    Best of luck to the remaining “locals.”

    For me, to paraphrase Chris Stapleton’s last line in his song “Nashville, TN”…

    “You’re not who you used to be
    So long, Margate, New Jersey”

  4. You do realize the Margate of the 70s and 80s would not be in anyway financially sustainable today, right? Not without massive taxes increase to support everything. Businesses would flounders, services would suffer. Nostalgia is lovely. It’s just not realistic. Dinosaurs once ruled the Earth too.

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